Overwatch Arc: DIE! DIE! DIE! (Feat. Vtubers)

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"WOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Ben and the rest of the team make it into the next world, but he lands on the ground hard. "O-Ow..."

Isane walks over to Ben and helps him stand back up. "Are you alright, Ben?"

Ben stands back up with the help of Isane and looks up at her "Y-Yeah. I'm alright. Thanks, Isane." The boy looks around himself, noticing the surroundings. "What the...? What is this place?"

Uryū then heard something "Sh."

Francescka looks over to Uryū. She doesn't hear it and tilts her head. "Why are we being quiet?"

Uryū looks at Francescka. "I hear something...It's coming from this way!!"

Jūshirō heard it, too, and pointed in the direction "It's coming from over there!! Let's go!!" He leads the way going to where the action is happening

After making it to where the commotion was happening, Ben could see someone fighting against what seemed to be minions from Riser

After making it to where the commotion was happening, Ben could see someone fighting against what seemed to be minions from Riser

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(credit to the artist)

"Who is that?"

Orihime looked at Ben. "Battle now, questions later. We gotta help her out!!"

"Right! Let's go!!"

-after the battle-

Ben regains his breath after the battle against Riser's minions, helping the particular someone. He looks at the white-haired woman after standing back up from such an intense battle. "Who are you, Miss?"

The mysterious woman looks at the boy and puts her sword away. "The name is Zentreya. But you can call me Zen for short. I somehow ended up in this world from a portal I saw, and it seems like I'm not the only one who ended up in this world."

"You're correct on that, Zen. We just arrived here from a different world after defeating a person named Aizen, but we followed him because he created a portal to this world...My name is Ben, by the way."

Zentreya looked at the boy and patted him on the head. "Nice to meet you, little one. We better go into the city and determine if Aizen is hiding somewhere!"

"Right! Let's go!!" Ichigo leads the way as Ben starts to follow him

"Wait!" Zentreya stopped the boys. "Some other friends of mine could also be in this world, so we need to gather them, too."

Tier nods. "Alright. Let's do that first..."

Later, Ben and the rest of the team were in a sakura forest, watching beautiful cherry blossom petals fall from the trees. As he continued walking, he saw a beautiful woman walking around alone.

 As he continued walking, he saw a beautiful woman walking around alone

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