Pokemon Arc Pt. 1: The reverse world (Feat. Doomguy & Momoyo Kawakami)

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At the comet observatory, Ben and Luka were playing a game together and discussing music from favorite genres, songs, and bands they enjoyed listening to. Just then, the boy thought of something and wanted to ask Luka this. "Hey, Luka. Do you have a favorite concert you performed at?"

Luka thought for a moment and knew the answer to that. It was a night to never forget since she, Miku, and her friends. "My favorite concert was the night we performed at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. The crowd was amazing like no other I have seen before!"

"Wow! That's amazing!" At the same time, after hearing Luka mention the location, it made him think...Why did that place sound familiar all of a sudden? Hopefully, he will find the answers soon...

Isabelle walks in and looks at the boy. "Hey, Ben! The portal to the next world just opened up!"

Ben looks over to Isabelle and nods. "Ok, Isabelle! Bye, Luka!! I'll be right back after saving another world!"

Luka smiles and waves at Ben. "Ok, Ben! Be careful!"

-intro theme-

(Music Credit goes to Dagames)

The boy and Isabelle arrive in the next world, and,...they aren't close to land. They were hundreds of feet in the air! "GAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Ben was crying as he fell from the perspective, thinking he would die. "Isabelle! What should we do now!?"

Isabelle was on her homemade swing set with a pair of balloons to help her stay afloat in the air

"I don't know Ben. I think you can do nothing but fall until you hit the water!"

Ben's face goes blue after hearing what Isabelle said. He thought he was done for! "THAT'S NOT HELPFUL ENOUGH FOR ME ISABELLE!!" He then closes his eyes, ready for the impact when he hits the water. But that was all going to change! As the poor boy continued to freefall close to the ocean. He landed on something that broke his fall. Ben then opened his eyes, surprised. "I-I'm alive?! But how?!"

As he looked around himself while he was on the object flying over the sea, he was shocked to see that he was on a Pokémon!

"A Dragonite?! But how?!" Just then, the boy realized which world he and Isabelle ended up in. "Wait a minute. This could only mean...WE'RE IN THE POKÉMON WORLD!!" He was ecstatic! He watched the anime, played the games, and never grew tired of playing them!

Isabelle landed in town and waited for Ben to arrive with the Dragonite he was riding. She was happy that the two had entered a fantastic world like this!

Ben made it to the town as he hopped off Dragonite and smiled at it. "Thanks for the ride Dragonite! Come on, Isabelle! Let's go and save this universe!"

Isabelle looks at Ben, smiling, and nods, "Right! Let's go!"

The Dragonite, however, didn't want to go back home. It wanted to travel with the boy! Without hesitation, the Pokémon grabbed the boy and hugged him tightly.

The boy looks up at the Dragonite, powerless to move another muscle. This Dragonite was quite intense! "Wait...Are you saying that you want to come with me and Isabelle?"

The Dragonite smiled at the boy and nodded.

Ben smiled back at the Dragonite. He was happy that this Pokémon wanted to join him! "Of course! I'd be more than happy to have you join us on the adventure!...all that I need now is a Pokéball to catch you..."

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