Mario arc (Part 1)

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The young kid slowly opens his eyes from staying out-cold as he is in stitches after getting beaten up by Riser earlier in the open space when he tried to save Rias from him. As he slowly sat up, he found himself in a bedroom he wasn't familiar with.

(credit to the original artist who made this picture of the bedroom from "Super Mario Galaxy")

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(credit to the original artist who made this picture of the bedroom from "Super Mario Galaxy")

He thinks to himself. "W-Where am I? Did I have some nightmare or some sort?"

Rosalina walks into the bedroom to check on the kid to see if he's ok.

Rosalina walks into the bedroom to check on the kid to see if he's ok

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"Ah. You're awake now." She walks over to the bed as she sits down, and looks at him

The boy looks up at Rosalina and slightly rubs his eyes. "W-Who are you, Miss?"

Rosalina scoots a little closer to the boy so she can look at him at a better angle. "My name is Rosalina. Princess of the galaxies and mother of the Lumas. My Lumas found you floating alone in space, powerless and injured, so they brought you to my comet observatory, where you can recover soon."

"I-Injured?" Then, he remembered what Rosalina meant as he looked down, feeling sad as he shed tears, feeling very ashamed of himself. "I-It's because I was trying to save Rias from Riser...And right now, I realize that I'm not strong enough to face Riser and save Rias...I-It's all my fault" Ben continued to break into tears just by thinking about it

Rosalina gets closer to him and hugs the kid, comforting him. "There, there. It's not your fault. I know that because you tried, but that doesn't mean that you get to stop now...Once fully recovered, you can embark on a journey and stop Riser once and for all!"

Ben wipes the tears off his face and looks up at Rosalina. "R-Really, Princess Rosalina? T-Thank you"

Rosalina smiles at the kid. "Your welcome little one...You must be tired. I'll give you some quiet time so you can rest."

The kid did feel tired as he yawned a little "Y-Yeah. You're right, Rosalina."

Rosalina smiles softly as she releases the kid from the hug and has him lie on the bed. "Sleep well, young hero, and may the stars shine over you" She turns the light off in the bedroom and leave the boy alone so he can sleep

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