Luigi's mansion arc (Part 2): Saving the professor!!!

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Ben and the rest of the team make it into the hotel/mansion and notices a ghost and quickly hides behind the closest furniture he can find

Mario looks over to the kid, confused. "What's wrong, Ben?"

"Shhhhhhhh" The kid points to the ghost he saw

"Shhhhhhhh" The kid points to the ghost he saw

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(Credit to the original artist)

Luigi looks over to the ghost the kid mentioned and gasps as he hides behind the same object the kid is hiding behind. "Oh no! It's Kruller, the security guard ghost!"

The kid looks up at Luigi. "You know him?"

Luigi looks at the kid and nods. "Yeah! It looks like King boo found a way to release the ghosts I caught in this mansion hotel. But how are we going to capture him?"

Mallow thought for a moment and came up with an idea. "I got an idea! Bowser. I want you to blow out some fire as a distraction. But if that doesn't work, Bowser Jr. can make a sound with the paintbrush so the security guard can investigate. While he's doing that, I want you, Ben, to try and jump onto the ghost so you can take its sunglasses off so Luigi can flash his flashlight at Kuller and vacuum up the ghost fast."

The kid, Bowser jr, and his dad nod. "Ok. Sounds like a plan."

Sonic looks over to Mallow. "What about me?"

Mallow looks over to Sonic as he almost forgot about him. "I'm gonna need you to punch him in the face hard so he can get dizzy before he has time to recover and act fast."

Sonic nods. "Alright, Mallow. I'll be ready once the moment comes up."

Bowser blows some of his fire to get Kuller's attention

"Hm?" Kruller felt the heat of the fire as he walked over to where the heat came from

Sonic got ready and immediately punched Kruller hard in the face once he got closer

The kid jumped onto Kruller's head as he got a hold of his sunglasses and took them off. "You won't be needing these!" He throws the sunglasses far and jumps off. "Now, Luigi!"

"Alright!" Luigi flashes Kruller with his flashlight and starts vacuuming the ghost fast

Silver and the others got out of the spot from staying hidden as he looked over at the others. "Great job, you guys! Now we can pr-" Before he could say anything else, he heard some jail cell bars make some sound

"Help! Someone get me out of these prison walls!!" Said a voice

Shadow heard the voice and looked around himself to find where the voice was coming from. "Did you guys hear that?"

Mario looks over to Shadow and nods. "Yeah. It sounded like a girl was kidnapped from Kruller after she came into this mansion hotel."

"Wait a minute...I recognize that voice! Follow me, everyone!" Sonic leads the pack hurrying to where the voice is coming from. Once he reached where the voice came from, he saw it was Lah, the ghost "Lah?!"

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