Sonic Arc (Part 3): Saving the Chao from an evil twin (Feat. Iruma & Co.)

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Ben makes it to where the Chao are harmed after Shadow uses his chaos control as he looks around himself. "Is this it?... Where are all of the Chao?"

Tikal looked around as she was worried that they were too late. "I don't see any of them! Where could they be?!"

The kid was then starting to have a flashback about something that had happened to him before as he held onto his forehead and shed a tear after remembering what part of the flashback he had was about. He thinks, "W-Why am I thinking about this now?!"

Just then, Omega was seen walking around the area

Just then, Omega was seen walking around the area

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(Credit to the artist)

"All Chao must be safe and not be harmed at all costs."

"Omega?" Rouge flies over to Omega. "What are you doing here?"

Omega looks at Rouge. "I have a mission to let all Chao be safe and not be harmed by anything evil."

The kid carefully walks over to Omega as he shakes, feeling nervous "*Gulp* Y-You're not here to harm us, right?"

Rouge chuckles a little after she hears the kid's reaction and comforts him, "Don't worry, cutie~ Omega's a kind robot. Long story short, he hates Eggman and other evil stuff like that."

The kid sighs in relief and smiles softly. "Ok, Rouge"

Omega responds, "Rouge is telling the truth. And Rouge. Remember that Rias Gremory is the one that loves Ben and wants him to be her cute boyfriend for the rest of her life...And possibly marry him after he rescues her from the biggest jerk, Riser."

Rouge then sighed after she heard what Omega said to her, not amused, "Had a feeling that was coming from you, Omega..."

Sonic, Silver, and Tails try to hold in their laughter after they hear what Omega said to Rouge

Even Vector was laughing, too. "Nice try, Rouge!"

Rouge looked over to Vector as she was fuming, "Shut up, Crocodile..."

Just then, there was a scream that could be heard from miles away

The kid heard the screaming as he looked in the direction where the scream came from. "I don't think not only the Chao are in trouble, but someone else is, too!!"

"What are we waiting for?! Let's hurry!!" Sonic dashes over to where the scream came from

The kid nods. "Right! Come on, guys! Let's go!!" He starts following Sonic from behind as the rest of the team catches up

There was a kid named Iruma who was running away from an evil green hedgehog named Scourge. "Why must something like this happen to me?! Someone, please help me!!!"

"Chaos, SPEAR!" Shadow uses his chaos spear ability to stun the evil green hedgehog

The kid runs over to Iruma, and he uses all of his strength to help him stand back up. "Are you alright?"

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