Sonic arc (Part 1): The mission to stop two Egg-heads

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The kid was in one of the many bedrooms alone on Rosalina's comet observatory, as he was now feeling depressed. One of his favorite guitarists, Eddie Van Halen, recently passed away. The boy held onto his phone and watched the video of Eddie Van Halen playing his famous "Eruption" guitar solo live back in 1983 as he sheds a tear just by watching it. It was a substantial heartbreaking moment for him to handle

(Credit to the person who uploaded this video and R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen. The legend lives on...)

(NOTE: This chapter of the story was first written in October)

Sonic knocked on the door, where the kid was, worried about how he was doing. "Hey, Ben. Are you ok?"

The kid heard Sonic's voice, still crying and nodding. "Y-Yeah...You can come in Sonic..."

Sonic walks into the room and sees the kid all sad he sits next to him as he sees the video the kid is watching, and he, too, takes the emotional hit. "I'm so sorry that a favorite guitarist of yours passed away...He also inspired me to play the guitar, too..."

The kid looks up at Sonic as he wipes a tear off his face. "R-Really?"

Sonic nods as he sheds a tear "Y-Yeah...I used to play guitar with my brother & sister when we were little...I haven't met them in a while, and I don't know if I'll ever see them again..."

The kid then remembered another thing. The first musician legend that passed away this year (2020) was Neil Peart, the drummer of Rush. "W-What about Neil Peart?"

Sonic looked at Ben and knew what he meant. "I believe Manic's sad about that, too...Let's watch a video of Mourn Neil...Long live the professor..."

(Credit to the original person that uploaded this video, and R.I.P. The professor, Neil Peart. The legend lives on...)

-a couple of minutes later-

Sonic sighs a little after watching the videos with the kid. "These two will never be forgotten..."

The kid sighs a little as well and nods. "Yeah..."

"Ben!" Mario ran over to where the kid was

"Whoa!" The kid falls off the bed, surprised. "Mario?... Please remember to knock next time..." He gets up and stretches a little

Mario sighs a little and rubs the back of his head, and smiles innocently. "Hehe...Sorry about that, Ben"

Sonic helps the kid stand up and looks at Mario. "What's going on?"

Mario points at the large portal hole outside. "The portal to the next dimension is open!!"

The kid felt determined after he heard what Mario said. "Alright, Mario! Come on, Sonic! Let's go!"

Sonic nods. "Alright, Ben!" He starts running with the kid into the portal

Silver and Shadow saw the two jump into the portal and catch up. "Hey! Wait up, you two!!!" He and Shadow jumps into the portal to make it into the next world

-intro theme-

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