Pokémon arc pt. 3: Stopping Zero and Tobias!! (Feat. Fox Mcloud & Crew)

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Ben was on his Dragonite with the team and saw the ship as Giratina tagged, "Give it up, you two!! Both of your times ends now!!"

Zero just smirked, "Talk all you want!"

Tobias stepped out of the ship. He looked at the team, throwing his Pokéball up and down in the air. "Yeah! I'll catch this Pokémon easily and bring it to the wedding for Riser and Rias to get married!! And then, Cynthia and I can get married~."

"Not happening!!" Just then, a huge ship can be seen and was firing at the Megarig

"Not happening!!" Just then, a huge ship can be seen and was firing at the Megarig

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Ben heard that voice and quickly knew who it was "Fox!!"

Fox hopped out of the ship and looked at Ben. He was pleased to meet him at a place like this!

"It's a pleasure to meet you finally, Ben! I and the rest of the crew arrived in this universe when a mysterious portal popped up out of nowhere in outer space from our Universe, and we somewhat ended up here!"

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"It's a pleasure to meet you finally, Ben! I and the rest of the crew arrived in this universe when a mysterious portal popped up out of nowhere in outer space from our Universe, and we somewhat ended up here!"

Ben knew what Fox was talking about. "That might be the cause of Riser's plan to take over the entire multiverse! Come on! Let's stop these two bastards and save the Pokémon world once and for all!!"

-the battle begins-

*battle theme*

(Music credit to Smashing Pumpkins)

-after the battle-

At last, the two were defeated. Ben and the crew came back to the real with Fox and his team, and they brought someone else with them. They had Tobias with them, but he was tied up, so he couldn't escape anywhere. "Welp, that's that!"

Officer Jenny walked over to the team and saw what was going on

Officer Jenny walked over to the team and saw what was going on

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"Well. It seems like you all finally caught the culprit who's been catching legendary Pokémon nonstop without permission and treating other species of Pokémon like an object! I should sentence you, Tobias,...to death."

Ben and everyone else cheered with joy. They were all happy that justice was being served and Tobias was getting put in his place!

Tobias tried to break free from the ropes, not in the best mood. "Untie me this instant!"

Cynthia smacks him on the head. She was tired of hearing from him, "Shut up!! For your information, I'm not into guys like you! I'm only into those who are adorable and handsome like Ben over here who also has a strong heart!!"

Everyone was speechless!! They weren't expecting to hear Cynthia reveal her preference in boys!

Wattson shook his head a little. "Well...I guess she prefers the shy and cute types of boys."

Ben was the most shocked out of them all. "B-But, Rias has a love interest for me."

Cynthia chuckled as she patted the kid's head. She knew about this and wanted to clarify what she meant. "Don't worry, Ben. I'm aware of that. You are just an example of what kind of boys I prefer~."

Ben blushed but smiled softly. He never felt this flustered before. "O-Oh. Ok then, Cynthia."

Officer Jenny then walks over to the team with a grand star in her hands. "Sorry to break this wholesome moment, but does this happen to belong to you by any chance? I picked it out while I was going through Tobias' pockets to make sure he didn't have any other weapons on him before sending him to jail."

Ben looked at the Grand Star and smiled

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Ben looked at the Grand Star and smiled. "Yeah! That belongs to Rosalina!! Thank you so much, Officer Jenny!! Come on, everyone! Let's grab onto this Grand star and return to Rosalina's observatory!!" He and the rest of the team grabs onto it and starts heading back to Rosalina's observatory

(Music Credit)

-meanwhile, back at where Riser is with Rias-

Riser was watching everything the Boy had been accomplishing. His fury grew bigger and bigger, and he thought he was done for "Grrrrrrr!!! Curse you, Ben!! Why do you have to make my plans a much bigger hell hole!!"

Rias smiled, hearing Riser's rage. She knew that Ben was near to save her! "Come on, Ben! You can do it!!"

-ending theme-

(Music credit to Yoshiki ft. HYDE)

-end of arc-

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