Rwby arc (Part 1): Return of a super kind friend!!

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The kid was looking out the window looking at the view of the galaxy as he had a strange feeling that something wasn't right

Azazel walks over to the kid as he realizes something is wrong. He sits with him, looking at the galaxy, as he notices a confused look on the kid's face. "Hey, Ben. Is there something wrong?"

The kid looks up at Azazel and nods. "Yeah. My battle against Riser back in the Fire Emblem world felt too easy...I will talk to Tails, and Professor E. Gadd can figure it out." He gets up and walks to Tails' and Cosmo's workshop on the now large comet observatory that was grown thanks to Rosalina

Sirzechs looks over to the kid and nods at this. "I was thinking the same thing. I'm also coming with you because there is just something fishy about this." He gets up and follows the boy to the workshop

The kid walks into the workshop with Sirzechs as he sees Tails and Cosmo researching something. "Tails? E. Ga-" He then felt a card hit the back of his head as if Knuckles threw it. "Ow!"

Knuckles chuckles at this. "Hehe. Sorry about that, Ben. But seriously. It's a message from Riser."

"What?!" The kid picks up the card and watches a hologram of Riser speak to him

The hologram Riser starts speaking to the "Hello there, the stupid kid. This is real Riser speaking here. But not the one you defeated. That one was a clone of me, thanks to the double cherry power-up I snatched from the stupid plumbers' world! Good luck finding where I am and defeating me now, pathetic, stupid kid!!!"

-after the hologram card Ended-

The kid shook, feeling more furious than ever. It was perfect timing for him because the portal to the next world opened up. "That does it!!! Riser's going to get it!!!!" He dashes out of the room and signals Kirby to come along, and the two jump into the portal to the next world

-intro theme-

(Music credit to Dagames)

The kid lands in the world with Kirby. But instead of landing on the ground, they landed in a pile of snow. The poor kid stands up and shivers, feeling cold. "Brrrr. I-It's c-c-c-c-cold here."

Kirby didn't feel cold as he sucked up an enemy with snow powers and had the snow ability on him. "Poyo?"

When the kid looked around himself, he saw a prominent figure he didn't have time to analyze was charging toward him. "What the?!" He gets battered by the snowball and falls onto the ground again, knocked out this time

"POYO!!" Kirby runs over to Ben and shakes him, trying to wake the boy up

Just then, a group of people walked over to where the two were. One asked Kirby, "What seems to be the problem, little one?"

Kirby explains to them what happened as he is still feeling worried about Ben

-a couple of minutes later-

The kid slowly opens his eyes as he finds himself close to a fireplace inside a house. "W-What happened to me?... Where am I?"

 Where am I?"

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