Fire Emblem arc (Part 3): The Final Battle?

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As the kid walks with the team to find where Riser is, he can see him right up ahead, not far from where he and the others are. "There he is!! Riser's over there!!"

Xander looks ahead to where the kid is looking and sees him, too. "Oh yeah!! I can see him, too!!"

The kid then felt down after knowing that Riser was there. "...What if I'm not strong enough to defeat him and to get Rias back?"

Pyra kneels to look eye to eye with the kid and smiles. "Don't worry, Ben. If you fall by feeling defeat, remember that you should always get up and never give up on the mission that you need to accomplish."

The kid felt much better and smiled. "T-Thanks, Onee-san." He was now feeling more determined than ever as he walked over to where Riser was as he was now faced with him. "Alright, Riser. No more hiding. This time, it's for real!"

Riser looks over to the kid and smirks at him

Riser looks over to the kid and smirks at him

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"Well, well. It looks like the pathetic kid finally arrived. I still have your fiancé, who will become my wife soon!" He snaps his fingers as a giant dome covers them. The two of them can't get out

"Ah!" The kid looked around and saw that he couldn't get out due to the large dome. "Alright!! You asked for it!!"

-a couple of minutes later, in the battle-

The kid catches his breath as he sees that Riser is on the verge of defeat. "You're done, Riser!! Give it up!!" He runs over to him and punches him hard. After that, he saw Riser turn into dust

After the dome is gone, Pyra runs over to the boy and hugs him. "You did it, Ben!! You defeated Riser!"

The kid smiles and hugs Pyra back happily. But down inside, he started to feel that something wasn't right. The battle somewhat felt easy. After the great congratulations to him from the allies, he and the team grab onto the grand star and head back to the comet observatory. But the one thing he and the rest of the team didn't know was that the Riser the kid fought against was a fake.

-meanwhile, over at Riser's castle-

Riser laughs evilly to see Ben fall for the bait. "It worked!!! Ben fell for that fake me, and I can marry Rias in peace!!"

Rias was scared by this, thinking that Ben might not save her in time. She thinks to herself, "Ben, please hurry..."

-ending theme-

(Music credit to Yoshiki ft. HYDE)

-THE END(?)-

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