One-piece arc Pt. 1: Doflamingo's revenge

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The kid heads over to the Mario Bros. and immediately tells them about what happened to the princess and the dark star

Mario and Luigi were super shocked after hearing what Ben had said to them: "No way!!"

The kid nods with a concerned look on his face. "Oh yes, way!!"

Levy runs over to where Ben and the Mario Bros. are, joining in on the conversation, "It's true!! I have researched it, and the sky was entirely dark even though the sun was out!"

The Mario Bros. was too speechless to say anything else

Levy looks down at the kid with a concerned look. "I think you accidentally worried the brothers to death, Ben."

The kid rubs the back of his head, feeling quite ashamed. "S-Sorry. I didn't even mean to."

Levy pats the kid's head, smiling. "That's alright, Ben. We all make mistakes. But you should head to the next world quickly and snatch the next grand star to get closer to where Riser is."

The kid nods, filled with determination. "Got it!" He runs to the next portal that had recently opened. He then notices Donkey Kong and King K. Rool hanging out and calls over to the two. "Donkey Kong! K. Rool!! I need your help!!"

King K. Rool heard the kid and followed him from behind with Donkey Kong. "Got it, Ben!! I'm ready to kick some butt!!"

-intro theme-

(Music credit to Dagames)

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!" The kid lands in the ocean with Donkey Kong and King K. Rool's "An Ocean?... What are we doing out in the ocean?"

King K. Rool looks at the kid and shrugs, "I don't know Ben."

"Hey!!! Do you need any help there?" Said a voice

"Huh?" The kid turns around and sees a large ship called 'The Sunny.' "Holy cow..."

Donkey Kong tilts his head, confused. "What is it, Ben?"

"We're in the One Piece world!!!"

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"We're in the One Piece world!!!"

"We're in the One Piece world!!!"

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