Legend of Zelda Arc (Part 1): Killer bunnies!!!

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(Note: This chapter was first written on January 4th)

Ben was depressed yet again in his room after he heard the sad news that another favorite musician he knew passed away. He listened to one of the artist's songs and shed a tear just by listening. "Why?... Why must another legend pass away without warning?"

(Music credit goes to the artist, and R.I.P. Alexi Laiho...You will forever be missed...)

Sonic was sitting outside of the kid's bedroom as he felt the same way as he was after he heard the news about Alexi Laiho. He was also his favorite guitarist too.

Ameri was walking around the comet observatory with Princess Shroob & Asia about how she met Iruma and ended up in the other universes with Iruma's friends & grandfather. She then noticed Sonic was feeling blue and walked over to him. "Is there something wrong, Sonic?"

Sonic looks up at Ameri while he is sitting down and wipes a tear off of his face. "Yeah...A favorite guitarist Ben & I enjoy listening to just passed away..."

Princess Shroob knew what Sonic was talking about, and it wasn't the first time she saw Sonic & Ben in a sad mood. "I'm very sorry to hear that..."

Ameri looks at Sonic as she feels concerned for Ben. "Sonic? Do you think I should go into Ben's room & try to comfort him to make him feel better?"

Sonic nods, thinking that it's a great idea. "Yeah..."

Ameri walks into the kid's room and sits down on the bed next to him

The kid continued to break into tears as he felt Ameri sit next to him on the bed while he was looking down. "H-Hi Ameri..."

Ameri wraps her arm around Ben's shoulder, feeling very sorry for him. "I know how hard it feels to lose someone you know. Especially if you haven't met the person before..."

The kid continued to break into tears as he hugged Ameri. "I-It's almost like a family member died out of nowhere without warning..." He started to have flashbacks of his real family dying in front of him as he cuddled in the hug feeling more sadder than before

Ameri couldn't help but feel sorry for Ben as she held him close and rubbed his head. "There, there. Just let your emotions out. I understand how you must feel..."

Asia then walks into the room feeling very sorry for the kid after she overhears what is happening and sits beside Ben on the other side of the bed. "I understand how you feel, Ben. When I lost my grandparents, it was hard to power through the feeling of losing someone I loved...But what my parents told me was that I will always remember them from the bottom of my heart. It hurts to lose someone you love, and I know how much it hurts when you think about it, Ben...You're not the only one..."

The kid looks up at both Asia & Ameri. "T-Thank you both."

Asia & Ameri smile at the kid. "Your very welcome, Ben."

Mario knocks on the door. "Ben! The next portal to the next world is open, and you can enter through it when you're ready!"

"O-Ok Mario!" The kid calms down as he stands up, walks out of the room, and heads toward the portal to the next world

Asia follows Ben from behind, thinking that he needs help "Ben. Would you like me to come along with you?"

The kid looks over at Asia and looks up at her as he nods, "Yes, please, Asia."

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