Pokémon Arc Pt. 2: Saving Giratina!

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Ben was on his Dragonite with the rest of the team, heading toward Zero's ship, the Megarig. "There it is!! Let's stop Zero and save Giratina!!" They make it onto the boat and start doing everything they can to stop the forcefield, causing Giratina not to move. His Dragonite was using Dragon claw, Isabelle tried to use her fishing hook, to no avail, Cynthia's Garchomp was using outrage, John was using his gun to shoot at the forcefield, and Momoyo was using all of her strength to destroy that force field physically. It just wasn't enough, though. But then, the kid noticed something while looking around on the ship. He and the others weren't the only ones on the ship! There were MANY other trainers from other regions on the ship, too!! Gym leaders, champions, and league trainers, too!! Ben was shocked! He never knew that there were so many trainers on this ship!!

Iris, the champion of the Unova region, looked other and saw the kid. She was happy to see him on board

"Ben! It's you!!" She told her Haxorus to keep going as she ran over to him. "It's great to see you on board! We just randomly ended up in this region, not so thanks to that bastard Riser, and now we have to stop Zero and Tobias before things get worse!"

Cynthia flinched for a moment after hearing that name. It was clear that she recognized that name almost too well. She knows him as the Mythical stealer and cheater when watching the battle of him against Ash Ketchum. "That asshole is going to pay for what he has done! Momoyo! Ben! Come with me!! We must go to the system to stop it from holding Giratina!!"

Ben and Momoyo heard what Cynthia said and nodded, following her. Ben himself was more fired up because he too quickly knew who Tobias was and wanted to stop him as much as Cynthia!

As the three entered the control room, Momoyo saw Zero and Tobias taking over the system keeping Giratina in the forcefield. She was pissed as the kid, and the Sinnoh Champion was. "Stop whatever you two are doing! This is not right, and a Legendary Pokémon doesn't deserve to be handled like that!!"

Tobias looked at the three and just smirked. He knew who he was talking to, and he didn't even care what he was doing with Zero. "Ain't happening!! I'm doing this to take over the entire Pokémon world, and everyone will kneel before me! And after I do all of that, I will have Cynthia marry me by force~."

Cynthia had a disgusted look on her face after hearing what Tobias said. She has ZERO interest in marrying a jerk like him!

Momoyo was fuming after hearing what Tobias said. She doesn't like those who want to force someone to do something with them.

Zero looked at Momoyo and smirked. "Awwww. Did I make a girl upset? Go ahead! Hit me and Cynthia's soon-to-be husband to get your anger out!!" He just laughed, thinking that was never going to happen.

Momoyo had a scary look on her face with a grin. She cracked her knuckles and wasn't afraid to do this. "With pleasure~" She punched Zero hard in the beginning, kicked him in the stomach, and threw him out of the control room

Tobias was shocked! He wasn't expecting something like that to happen out of the blue. "What the?! Why you-!" As he was about to get back at Momoyo, Ben got the better of him!

Ben punches Tobias hard in the face and gets the help of Momoyo to throw him out of the room. "Come on! Let's get Giratina out of this force field quick!"

Cynthia and Momoyo nod and starts to do everything they can with the boy to stop this force field that's surrounding Giratina. At last! The Pokémon can now move freely. The team hops off the ship and lands in Giratina. Soon enough, they all landed while riding Giratina and jumped off the legendary Pokémon.

Ben looks at the tall Legendary Pokémon, seeing that it is in its landform

"I hope you're alright now, Giratina. If we didn't arrive here fast enough, you would've been done for. Legendary Pokémon like you don't deserve to be treated like that. Pokémon should be cared for, looked after, and do what they must."

Cynthia walks over to the boy and wraps her arm around him, holding him close. She knew what the boy was talking about, and she, too, had a strong heart for Pokémon. "He's right, Giratina. If I even caught a legendary Pokemon, I would look after it with all my heart."

Giratina looked at Ben and Cynthia, and to their surprise, it wasn't grumpy. It was thankful.

Ben was happy to see that the Pokémon was thankful for them all. But this wasn't the end yet. Before a grand star was even found, the entire crew felt such a rumble. It felt like an earthquake! "What the heck was that?!"

Isabelle felt another earthquake as she jumped and hopped onto Giratina. She was terrified, thinking that something was about to come out through the Earth! "Please tell me it's just an Earthquake!!"

Clay shook his head. He quickly knew that this was no Earthquake. "I don't think that's an Earthquake partner. I've been mining for shiny pearls to preserve and for museums for many years, and an Earthquake doesn't happen from time to time. Something else must be causing it."

Cynthia has done her research on the Reverse world and forgot one thing. "Oh no...Zero and Tobias are still in the Reverse world!! Come on, Ben!! We need to stop them before it's too late!!"

Ben nods at Cynthia. "Right!" He then hops onto his Dragonite and looks at Clay. "Are you coming with us, Clay?"

Clay looked at the boy and nodded. He tipped his hat, and it was clear that he was ready for action. "You bet I am! Let's go stop those two bastards!!"

Brock then stepped in. "Count me in, too!! I was in the Reverse world before, and I'm ready to conquer it again!" He hops onto the kid's Dragonite along with Clay. "Alright! Let's go!!"

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