Fire emblem arc (Part 1): Let's Roll!

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The kid was playing in the fields with Kirby alongside some others, even with Jin. It was clear to the rest of the team on the comet observatory that he and he were forming a stronger friendship after first meeting in Kirby's world

-A couple of minutes later-

Jin sat in the grass with Ben and Kirby, feeling relaxed. "Man. This pink puffball sure is filled with energy whenever it comes to playing with someone."

Ben smiles and nods, agreeing with Jin, "Yeah! He's the fun type! And he just never stops becoming more and more adorable!!"

Esdeath smiles as she holds Tatsumi close to her. "I agree with you, Ben. However, my Tatsumi is equally as adorable as Kirby~."

Tatsumi's face goes blue as he feels her hold him close to her. "Someone help me!!!"

Lora laughed as she saw what was happening. "Calm down, Tatsumi! You'll get used to it soon!"

"I hope so!!"

"Ben!!" Asia runs over to them with urgent news: "Listen! The portal to the next world has opened up, but the shocking thing is that Riser is in that world!!!"

Ben's face immediately turns into shock as he stands up fast. "What are we waiting for then?! Let's go!!" He starts running to the portal with Asia as he sees Pyra with Mario and Bowser and calls over to them, "Come on, Guys! The next world is open, and Riser's waiting!!"

Pyra liked the sound of that and followed the two to the portal. "Come on, you two! Riser's asking for a battle!!!"

Bowser liked the sound of that and was ready to face Riser. "Time to show Riser that he should never mess with the king of awesome!!"

And so, the team jumped into the portal to the next world, ready to stop Riser once and for all

-intro theme-

(Music credit to Dagames)

Ben lands on the ground more safely than the other times he's been through on going to different worlds. "*Phew* It's a good thing I finally learned how to land in worlds more easily."

Pyra smiles as he looks over at the kid. "That's perfect, Ben! Glad to know you're used to coming to these worlds like this right now!"

Ben looks over to Pyra and smiles. "Thanks, Pyra! Now let's get going and find Ri-"

 "Thanks, Pyra! Now let's get going and find Ri-"

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(Credit to Nintendo)

Ben was speechless as he saw the massive size of the Piranha Plant. Even Asia hid behind a large rock because of how scary and huge it was. He even hides behind the same stone as Asia. "W-What kind of Piranha plant is that?!"

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