One piece arc Pt. 2: A mission to stop Big Mom

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On the Thousand Sunny, Ben was in the aquarium room looking at the aquatic species feeling relaxed. This was something he needed for a while with all of the chaos that was going on. It's like a therapy session for him to ease his mind and look at the beautiful and interesting creatures that are in the ocean. Before he went on this big adventure to save Rias, he had been doing some research on marine creatures back in his world and was always curious to know what other marine creatures were in the waters. While he was looking at what creatures were in this tank, he turned around and saw Luffy walking over to him. "Oh hi, Luffy! What brings you here?"

Luffy looks at the boy while he is holding a fishing rod smiling "Chopper, Usopp and I are gonna go fishing and see what we can catch so Sanji can cook for us to eat on the ship! Would you like to join us to fish and see what's out there?"

Ben smiles and nods at Luffy's offer. He always wanted to fish and get a feel of the experience! "Of course, Luffy! I would like to fish with you guys!"

Luffy smiled as he patted Ben on the head "That's what I like to hear! Cmon Ben! Let's go!" He leads the kid to where the others are as he hands the boy a rod "Remember Ben. When it comes to fishing, it takes patience. You don't want to rush yourself trying to catch a fish!"

Ben received the rod Luffy handed to him and listened to every word he said to him about fishing. "OK, Luffy! Thanks for the information about fishing! Now let's see what's out there!" The kid tossed the line into the water until it hit the bottom and waited patiently for a bite. About a minute goes by, and the boy hooked into something "Got a fish on!"

Usopp looked at the boy as he walked over to him "Reel it in Ben! Let's see what you caught!"

"Ok, Usopp!" Ben reels in his line and sees that he has caught a pufferfish. "Wow! A puffer fish!" Just then, the boy paused for a moment. He has been researching marine creatures, and he knows what could happen if he were to take a bite out of this puffer fish if it was food. "...I don't think we can keep and cook this fish."

Chopper looked over to the kid and tilted his head. "What makes you say that, Ben? Is it dangerous? It doesn't look like it to me aside from it being prickly"

Ben looked at Chopper and nodded "Yeah. It's dangerous. But aside from being prickly, I did some research saying that it's very dangerous to eat if you don't cook it properly. I read in a book saying that its toxin is more deadly than cyanide...But, now that I think about it..." The kid then looked at Luffy after giving a little more thought about this fish "Hey Luffy. Didn't you say that Sanji is the best cook around?"

Luffy smiled and nodded "You bet! He can cook anything! But I don't think he cooked a pufferfish before. Let's go and ask him just to be on the safe side"

Ben nods agreeing with Luffy "You're right. Let's ask him" The kid then walks with Luffy to where Sanji is as the two enter the kitchen "Hey Sanji. There's something we would like to ask you after I caught a specific species of fish"

Sanji puts some of his stuff down as he turns around to look at the two "Sure. What is it that you caught, Ben?"

Luffy walked over to Sanji "Ben caught a pufferfish, and we aren't sure that we can eat it since it's very poisonous to eat it...Sanji. I knew you for a long time, but there was something I never asked you. Can you properly cook a pufferfish without any of us dying from it after eating a piece?"

Sanji listened to what the two were explaining, and he nodded smiling. "Of course, I can, boys! I've been cooking a lot of fish before I joined your crew, and I'm able to cook the pufferfish just fine! You can count on me! Besides. I did tell you I'm the best cook around!!"

Ben and Luffy smiled after listening to what Sanji said "Great! We'll bring the pufferfish to the fish tank right now!" The boys walk back outside and bring the pufferfish into the fish tank.

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