One piece arc Pt. 3: This is what it's like when worlds collide

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The ship finally makes it to Wano the crew hops off the ship and starts walking around searching for Big Mom as they all split up into teams. Ben was walking with the straw hats along with the rest of the allies hoping to get some answers from the townspeople on where Big Mom could be. The boy still had his mind locked on their mission, but he couldn't help but be amazed at how amazing this place was! "This place is awesome!!"

Luffy looked at the boy and smiled "I know, right? I still remember coming here for the first time, and I will never forget the moments of action the crew and I had here!"

"Yohohoho!! I had a lot of fun in this place, and I never thought I would come back to this place before I die! Even though I'm already dead" Brook chuckled at himself with his joke

Bartolomeo also laughed at Brook's joke as he was still happy that he was with the straw hats. "I wonder if we'll be meeting some other allies that aren't from this world. What do you think, Jonathan?"

Jonathan looked at Bartolomeo and nodded at him "Yeah. I can't be the only one who ended up in this world after all..." The shark would then look over to Luffy "Hey Luffy. Are there other allies you know that aren't from this world?"

Luffy looked at Jonathan Jones as he scratched his head a little "Hmmm. It's been a long time, but I think one of the friends I can remember meeting that isn't from this world is G-" Before he could get a chance to mention the name, he heard a loud crash that came from up ahead "What was that!?"

Ben looked up ahead seeing where the loud crash came from and pointed it "Right over there! Come on guys!" He leads the pack to where the sound came from hoping they're not too late.

Brook sees what is going on as there is a group of enemies attacking a salesperson. But they weren't enemies that he and the crew fought in this world! "What on earth are those!? I don't recall seeing these enemies before!!"

Ben looked at the enemies, and he knew what they were "Oh no...How are they spawning in this world even though Mario told me he and his friends defeated the puppet master behind creating them!?"

Robin looks at Ben confused. She didn't know what he was talking about. "What do you mean, Ben?"

Ben looked at Robin with a shocked look on his face "They fight like an army...They're-"

(Credit to Nintendo)

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(Credit to Nintendo)


King K. Rool also realized what these enemies were "Oh no not these guys! Donkey Kong told me about them after going on a certain adventure to save the world!! We got to defeat them quick!"

And so, the team jumped into action fighting against the Primids. But every time the crew defeated these enemies, more keep coming! It's like there was no stopping these enemies!! But then, a miracle happens. "INCOMING!!!" A muscular man with blue hair runs in ramming into a Primid causing it to fly far away and never come back!!

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