Kirby arc (Part 2): Foes are now friends (Feat. Jin & Lora)

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Ben makes it to where the last of Kirby's friends is, which are none other than the three mage sisters. But what he and the rest of the team don't know is that they are also about to face some other people from the world where Pyra came from. "P-Pyra? Can you promise me something?"

Pyra looks down at the boy and pats his head smiling. "Of course, little one. I would always protect you until the end and let nothing bad happen to you~."

The cute kid blushes to feel Pyra pat his head and looks up at her. "T-Thank you, Pyra."

Kirby walks around the temple where the mage sisters would be. "Poyo!!! Poyo!!!"

While Ben was looking around himself without paying attention to where he was going, he got splashed thoroughly "...well that's one sign to know that they're here" Just as he said, the three mage sisters showed up

well that's one sign to know that they're here" Just as he said, the three mage sisters showed up

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(Credit to Nintendo)

"Well, well, well. Suppose it isn't the pathetic boy Ben, Kirby, and the rest of the team. Well, we got news for you...We brought in a friend!!"

Jin appears in front of the team under Riser's control. This goes for the same on the mage sisters

 This goes for the same on the mage sisters

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(Credit to Nintendo)

"I heard that you killed the love of my life, Lora...Ben."

Ben's face then turns blue in fright after hearing what Jin said. "W-What?! I had never even done anything like that before!! Why would I ever do that?!"

Jin ignores what Ben said, "That's what Riser told me."

Pyra was now furious as she knew that wasn't true. "That's not true at all!!! I see Ben as a kind kid, and he would never do anything like that!!"

That just made Jin angrier. "Alright! You asked for it!!!"

-the battle begins-

*insert badass battle music to fit the scene*

(Music Credit to Slipknot)

-after the battle-

Ben regains his breath after such a long battle against Jin & the mage sisters

Francisca stands back up as she looks ahead to see Kirby. "Kirby!!" She dashes over to him and hugs him. "I'm so glad to see that you're all ok!!"

"And that's where I want them to be!!"

Jin heard the voice and looked around himself. "Who said that?!"

"That would be me, you stupid tall man who accused a pathetic kid of murder!!" Just then, Malos came out from the shadows and knocked out the team except for Pyra & Jin.

"That would be me, you stupid tall man who accused a pathetic kid of murder!!" Just then, Malos came out from the shadows and knocked out the team except for Pyra & Jin

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(Credit to Nintendo)

Pyra was furious to see Malos in the flesh. "Malos!! What are you doing here?!"

Malos looks at Pyra and smirks. "Simple. I heavily agreed to Riser's plans and decided to kidnap you from the stupid kid you're with" He knocks her out with a punch, not caring what he did, and carries her

Jin looks at Malos as he is now confused and shakes in shock from what he has done. "I accused a kid of killing Lora who didn't kill her..." He kneels to the kid, looking down at him, shedding tears. "I'm so sorry, Ben..."

The poor kid slowly opens his eyes from staying out cold from Malos. "W-What happened?" Before he could hear Jin answer his question, he felt the building shake

Jin picks him up. "No time to explain!! Let's get you guys out of here quick!!"

"I'll help, too!!" Just then, Lora showed up as she picked up some others. "Glad to be back!!"

Jin smiles at her. "Glad to see you again, Lora!! Now let's get out of here quick!!!"

Lora nods as she and Jin make it out of the building just in time while carrying the team, including the kid

Ben looked over to Lora as he was still confused. "W-Who are you, Miss?"

Lora looks at the kid and smiles

Lora looks at the kid and smiles

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(Credit to Nintendo)

"The name's Lora. Girlfriend of Jin, we're sorry for getting you and your team into this mess. It was Riser & Malos' fault for starting all of this."

"E-Eh?" Ben then remembered what had happened, and he broke into tears. "I-It's because I couldn't act fast and didn't see Malos at all...P-Pyra's like an Onee-san to me..."

Lora feels sorry for the boy and hugs him for comfort. "Shhhhhhhh. It's ok, Ben...It's not your fault...It's Malos' fault for knocking you out in the first place...I'm sure we'll get back at them as soon as possible..."

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