Bleach arc (Feat. Cosmo & the Odd Jobs crew)

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(NOTE: This Chapter was first written on August 1st, 2023.)

Mario and some others were chatting with Fox after Ben and the rest of the team arrived back from the Pokémon world and also saved the legendary Pokémon, Giratina. The last time they were with Fox along with Falco was during the time they needed to defeat Galeem and Dharkon. "It's great to see you guys again! How did you and the crew end up in the Pokémon world, by the way?"

Fox sighed but chuckled a little. "Hehe. Well. My crew and I were out doing normal missions, and suddenly, a HUGE portal appeared, and we ended up in the reverse world."

Falco steps in after cleaning one of the tools he typically uses on missions. "Yep. And here we are now on a mission to stop Riser once and for all with the kid!... Which reminded me. Where is Ben?"

Sonic walks over to Falco, patting him on the back. "He and my little buddy Tails are fixing your Great Fox ship."

Krystal then thought of something. She noticed how young Tails was for him to do all of the stuff with ease. "I wonder if Tails needs help."

Sonic laughed. "Don't worry, Krystal! Tails is an amazing mechanic!"

As if by chance, Tails walked over to where the others were. "Hey guys! Fox! Your ship is complete!" He led the crew to the ship, which was as good as new!

 "Hey guys! Fox! Your ship is complete!" He led the crew to the ship, which was as good as new!

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Fox was amazed. "Wow! It looks good as new! Thanks a lot, Tails!"

Tails smiled. "Hehe. No problem, Fox! I also couldn't thank Ben enough for helping me out!" He then looks around momentarily and looks back at the crew. "He did help me out, but he somewhat left..."

Krystal kneeled to match Tails' height with a worried look. She was concerned for the boy. "Where did Ben go to, Tails?"

Tails pointed to where the boy was. "He's in the bedroom with Momoyo."

-Meanwhile, in the bedroom-

Ben was hugging Momoyo, crying. Recently, he heard that Raul Reubens, actor for Pee-wee Herman, died from cancer. Ever since he was with his birth parents before they died in the accident, he would always watch that show in the morning. Raul always put a smile on his face, and Ben never grew tired of watching his show. "Why?...... Why did he have to die so soon?"

Momoyo was holding Ben close in her arms, comforting him. She never had this feeling in a long time. It was like Ben was her little brother "Shhhhhhhhhhh. There there. I know how you feel...That certain someone is gone, but the memories will never fade away. Just like how your memories will remain with you after your parents died. You cannot undo the past."

Ben calms down a little after listening to Momoyo. He understood what she said and took her word. He wipes the tears off his face and looks back up at Momoyo, unaware that his head is close to her chest. It truly felt like she was his big sister. "R-Really?"

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