Sonic arc (Part 2): The return of the evil shadow (Feat. Shantae)

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Eggman slowly stands back up as he rubs his head "Uuuuuuggggghhhhh...What the heck just happened?"

The kid walks over to Dr. Eggman and helps him stand back up as he looks up at him. "You were under Riser's control, and you attempted to kill us along with Eggman Nega."

Eggman Nega stands back up, and he rubs his head a little as well. "Well, it's a good thing that we didn't trust Riser in the first place after seeing him for the first time."

"Hey!... Get me out of this cage!" Said a voice

"Hm?" Sonic looked around himself as he saw an ancient friend he hadn't seen in ages, "Chip!"

Chip struggles a little as he sees Sonic run toward him. "What the heck are you doing here in the cage?"

Chip sighs. "When Riser controlled Eggman & Eggman Nega, they locked me in this cage."

Amy walks over to Chip, stuck in the cage, holding onto her Hammer. "Hang on, Chip. I'll get you out of there in no time!" She uses her hammer as the cage breaks

Chip was able to get out of the cage and smiled cheerfully

Chip was able to get out of the cage and smiled cheerfully

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(Credit to Sega)

"Thanks, Amy!"

Amy smiled at Chip while she was still holding onto her hammer. "Any time, Chip!"

Sonic walks over to Chip. "Chip. There's something that I must ask you...When I went to where Professor E. Gadd was held hostage, I immediately went into a werehog again. Why is that?"

Chip was concerned and knew what Sonic was talking about. "Oh no...I believe a piece of dark Gaia found a way to make it to the earth's surface and return to you. It usually becomes active in the night once a month."

Sonic was surprised after he heard what Chip said to him. "Oh no...But, I will admit. It felt great to be back in my werehog for once, and I never felt the need for combat moves more than anything else when battling enemies we come across."

Chip smiles. "That's great to hear, Sonic!"

Eggman Nega was then starting to feel concerned about another thing he remembered. "Oh no..."

The kid looks over to Eggman Nega, confused. "What's wrong?"

"When Eggman and I were under Riser's control, I unleashed a shadowy monster..."

Tangle's face goes blue, knowing what Eggman Nega is talking about immediately. "Y-You mean that-"


Out from the ground came none other than Mephiles, the dark

Out from the ground came none other than Mephiles, the dark

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