Special Gift #4 Part 4

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It was one of the things she did ever so impulsively.

Well, not really no.

It was planned.

But staying longer than intended was definitely not.

She found herself living off almost like homeless.

Well, it shouldn't be. She was supposed to have at least one dingy apartment and trash of a work but then, she got kicked out of the dingy apartment (because she's lesbian... You never know with some people.) And so she has to live basically like homeless until she saw this big guy, looks high as hell, enter this another dingy loft.

She waited for quite some time until no movements were heard.

She smirked.

Well, she's right. Big guy's high so he forgot to lock their door... If he's smart, or sober then maybe he wouldn't leave his door open...

But oh, well... She's lucky.

It's winter after all.

Winter and she got laid off.

Bummer right? What luck does she has to have this happen to her?

Now she only has 60-day period to either find a job willing to sponsor her working visa or go home.

But right now, sleeping on a walled room is better than sleeping on streets in winter night.

Well. This is indeed a dingy loft. But nothing's dingier that her apartment. At least there's a couch... A ratted, worn couch but still?


It was the first time since she arrived in New York that she's finally able to sleep comfortably.

The couch isn't really that comfortable but it was better than what she's slept through the whole New York experience.

Then, she let out a big yawn, forgetting that she has sneaked in on someone else's loft and...

She blinked.

"Aww, look at her!" This skinny Latina looking woman gushed. "She's like a child!"

Her head tilted in confusion and sleep still heavy on her.

"Yeah..." Said this blonde man who's holding a camera. "And she obviously sneaked in, Meems."

"She doesn't also look like a child. Look how tall she is! She's almost taller than I am!" Said this another man with fake leather that gives off rocker vibes.

"Aw, shut up you two! You're scaring her!"

Both man nodded. "Good! Because we gotta call a cop now!"

Sleep finally rubbed off her so Alyssa scrambled to get up from the couch but ended up knocking her head on the floor.

"No! No, please don't call the cops! I'm... I'm already on the verge of getting my self deported so... Please, no." She begged, looking at the woman more because she feels like she's the one who can get her out of this situation.

Blonde pale white man looked up at her while the rocker man stood up.

"Deported? Why?"

She dry swallowed. "I'm... Asian you see? And I came here to work. Unfortunately I got laid off just almost two months working and my landlady kicked me off and I've been sleeping on the streets for weeks now and I still have to find a job to find other employer to sponsor my working visa and if I didn't get a company that's willing to do that my sixty-day period I will be forced to come home and all of my earnings amd savings that I put up just to get here will only be for nothing. Please don't call the cops, I only want somewhere to sleep... I'm not a thief or something."

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