Special Gift #4 Part 6

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Horishiii... I realized i updated six? Seven chapters in a week!


Im not feeling well! 😅

But yeah. Thank my love for angst and holiday break that my mind's fresh from stress and my ideas kept coming in. Sadly, di nga lang sa Haunted and We Could've Been and Stay i guess perp dadating tayo jan, folks. Tyagaan lang na dumating ang muse ko para maituloy sya. For now, fresh ideas muna ko.

And... Well, i may be guilty of brewing another story 😅😅😅 NANAMAN OTOR! MAGSISIMULA KA NA NAMAN WALA KA PA NGA NATATAPOS! 😅 Ako na nanenermon sa sarili ko. But i kennat help it. Sobrang love ko mama shelby and baby rachel and alyden so... Yuh.


It's certainly not the first time that Dennise felt like she saw Alyssa on the crowd.

But it's the first time she has a strong feeling that she's not just hallucinating this time.

So she followed the group and when she finally kept up to them, she grab her by the shoulder and made her turn to face her.

"Alyssa..." She said wistfully.

For the first time since that Christmas eve she finally saw Alyssa.

And she's looking good.

Great even.

"Alyssa, ikaw nga!"

Then the people around her turned to face her too which made her nervous a bit.

"Aly? You know this lady?" This woman with green eyes and curly hair said, eyeing her and honestly? Made her nervous.

Alyssa turned to this woman and stoically turned to her and answered. "No... Let's just go. Aren't you hungry? Because I am."

Curly hair-green eyed lady stared at Dennise for good five seconds before accepting Alyssa's answer and taking her arm and practically skipped with her towards the direction of food. So was her other four foreigner looking company while the African-American woman with cork hair and in fancy dress pants and white button up shirt eyed her a little longer.

"Pookie! Aren't you coming? You're gonna get lost if you don't follow us you know?"

This 'Pookie' stared her down some more then brisk walked to Alyssa and her company's direction.

"Coming, Honeybear!"

And Dennise was left dumbfounded.


"That chick your ex-wife?"

Alyssa looked at Roger abruptly and Joanne feared she whiplashed her neck.

"Aly-babe. Easy on the neck." Maureen joked. "And you wear your heart on your sleeve. It was obvious."

"Yes. That's my ex-wife."

Joanne watched Alyssa, the young lady she took in and under her wings and made her her prodigy and helped her in the business.

Also, the young lady she considered her child.

Because in all intent and purposes she is.

"Why'd you deny it though?" Mark pressed.

"Well, Mark I just don't want to deal with her okay?" Alyssa sighed. "And I don't really wanna know how to. We've just... I left and for years she only heard of me when I divorced her."

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