Special Gift #3 Part 6

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Just a heads up. This update is just a continuation. Ever noticed that i unpublished this chapter (because me realized i published this one without finishing it... Therefore... Well its just nonsense. No resolve in this chapter.) So i unpublished, then finished the chapter and tada! An update 😁
Sorry. As you may all know, to workers, wa na holiday break... I mean, may break naman pero di matagal like students 🥴 anyway, enjoy 😊

Again, busy. Sobrang busy. Napakabusy. 😖

Namimiss ko na hayahay days [pero broke af days] ko 😭


To say Rachel and Alyssa moved on eggshells around each other is an understatement.

And the adults around them felt the tension. Quinn, would hover around her wife and Shelby wouldn't leave her eldest's side.

Which, in truth, didn't exactly helped the situation.

Because that's where the tension lies. With Shelby.

It's the third day when Quinn finally had the courage to talk to Shelby about it.

"Hey." She started.

Shelby looked up. Her expressive eyes focused on the once teenage girl who's just so lost. Her eyes linger on Quinn's and she couldn't find it... That girl.

"Hey..." She smiled, "What can I do for you?"

Quinn looked around, then sighed. "I don't think staying here with Alyssa is a good idea. Rachel's walking on eggshells, the both of them. And don't tell me you didn't felt it too."

"And I didn't say that I didn't..." Shelby calmly answered. "I know Aly said she's fine with this but I know really being here with all of us, isn't what she expects."

"And she's not the only one that tries her best here." Quinn said, feeling defensive of her wife. Rachel is trying her best too. "Your daughter isn't the only one who's uncomfortable here."

"And I didn't say anything about Rachel not trying her best or Alyssa the only one suffering here..." Shelby swallowed, shaking her head in disagreement. "Do you really think of me as that bitch of a woman? Because Quinn, you may not believe it but I do grew to care about Rachel. I wouldn't have helped her on her recommendation letter if I didn't. I wouldn't have helped her through her audition piece. And I wouldn't have continued to be her friend if I didn't care."

"You left her!" Quinn spat. "You left her... The moment you knew she wasn't her... You left! You first expressed how much you want her and the moment you knew...!"

"Because I felt betrayed! And I was hurting for my child and I mourned for her! They made me believe she's dead..." Shelby paused, her jaw shaking in madness. "They made me believe she was dead. And they basically killed my child... What do you think I would feel? Be glad that they found someone who weirdly looks like me while they tossed my child away?!"

The older brunette tried to blink back tears. "Did you ever think how I felt back then? How I felt for years knowing that I gave my daughter away to people who threw her away and replaced her with someone on their standards? I gave my child away, for fifteen years thinking that she has a good life and then one day I learned that that didn't happen... How would you think I felt? Huh? You were so angry at me for leaving? But did you ever consider the degree of what those men did? Quinn, I gave my daughter up in the hopes of someone to be able to give her something I can't... To give her something better. And then I learned everything they done? What would you feel if you learned I left Beth somewhere, Quinn? And then I adopted someone else and loved that child instead of Beth? Can't you understand how heartbreaking it is not knowing anything about your child? Yes, I do care for Rachel... And I do love her in some way but every time I look at her, especially back then I can only think of my own child left in the woods in the winters!"

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