Special Gift #3 Part 3

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AN: So! Some not so OC going on huh? But just a recap from last chapter, Alyssa can sing. She worked hard to buy Dennise a ring and a house. Then LA got into the town, proposing to Den in front of her father. Them planning the wedding in just a month.

And the intro of Shelby Corcoran... Dun dun dun dun. Alyssa's biological mother. So, that being said, it was implied that Alyssa was a foster kid. She's in a foster system. And if you know what and how that works, especially in US you'd be heartbroken. And yeah, Beth too coz... Why not?! Little Quinn Fabray in the house? 🤣🤣🤣

Magkakatuluyan ba sila? I know i have a reputation for breaking your AD hearts by not doing so but this time they will. They will end up together I promise you dat.

And can we all agree how gorgeous Idina Menzel is? I know its quite funny how she doesnt seem to be familiar with her movie frozen. But i understand her kid doesnt really think she's cool (nvm from her actually) and she admitted to being forgetful. So yeah. But she seems sweet no?

Lastly for opening Author's Note. I used Glee Cast version of Mine coz it was used in Brittana breakup. As soon as i watched that part i just thought i have to have this on my fanfic... So yeah.


12 hours earlier...

"You sure you don't want to leave Gwyneth to us?" Kim asked. "I know we had her for 3 days but I miss my little nugget already."

Alyssa smirked. "Careful. You're reputation might be ruined when someone else hears you say that."

"Ahh... Right. I do have a reputation to uphold." Kim played. "But lemme hold my lil nugget first?"

Alyssa let her daughter jump on Kim's arms and grinned when Kim let out a small 'oof'.

"Geez! Warn a lady before you jump on their bones will ya?" Kim playfully joked as she tapped on Gwyneth's button nose.

"Hey! Stop hoarding your little nugget and let them go! They should be on the road by ten minutes now!" Mela scolded but smiled at the kid and kiss her chubby cheeks. "Come on. Up you two go."

"Geez. It's just in Portland."

"And Shelby and Beth would probably be so tired now so they should be back before sundown." Mela added knowingly. "Are you sure you don't want us to look after your precious child?"

"Nah... You know the kiddo would love to see her first thing today." Alyssa answered which earned Mela and Kim sharing a look. "Hey. Knock it off!" She said when she noticed.

Both of her friends snickered.

"Knock it off. It's Beth that I'm spoiling."

"Sus!" Came Kim's answer. "Anyway, you do have to go. You take care of my little nugget!"

"Yeah! Bye bye Gwyneth-poo!"

"Oh, so I'm the chopped liver now."

"Stop being so dramatic! You'd give her a run for her money for being the drama queen!" Kim teased. "But no, really. You should go. Shoo!"

Alyssa rolled her eyes and poked her tongue out at her friend which Gwyneth gladly mimicked.

"Oh, baby, no!" Mela protested. "Look at what you're teaching her!"

"Gee. Mela, she just copied me. Gwyn, don't do that okay?" She turned to her daughter. "At least not in front of Auntie Mela."


Alyssa waited with Gwyneth on her arms. She didn't like waiting inside the airport and the duo knew that.

Gwyneth became fussy so Alyssa let her sit on her lap and bounced her. Her daughter reached for her sunglasses so she put them on her kid, obviously too large on her small chubby face.

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