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Here! Here!

Okay. So one week since my dawg accident.

Just wanna say im working on another fic 😂 yes i know i kinda lied but i didnt. I really cant work on this story's drafts. I actually want to finally finish this but another idea popped out of my brain. Its on epilogue now but still havent published it. I will, so if you guys are interested i think im finishing it this weekend (monday's final stretch if i cant do it feel free to @ me 😆).

TW that the story may not be any alyden shipper's cup of tea as i always want to be. Also, i dont have a story cover and really catchy story title for it. Just wanna let you know.

Publishing date... i dunno. My wounds kinda feel itchy right now and i dont wike it.

Anyway, anyone interested in some story telling?

So the line was reaaaaaalllyyy long at animal bite treatment center. But we got there pretty early BUT people there usually tend to first timers so they could get interviewed first. Then since i was one of the early birds (yeah, pun intended) i really got worried when its already 10:00 am and my name still wasnt called. Turns out i was one of the first batches to get vaccinated (but i didnt heard it because... i helped some first timers to sit first so they can get a number)... they thought i was a man since my surname was written first. So they were expecting a boy or man to come in (because... turns out they have been waiting for me since i kinda became celebrity because of my injuries... yeah. Take that IG influencers!) So i finally asked the guard to take a look inside to check my schedule slip but that was the same time health workers came out to call out for ****** ******** ***** . And then i got in... was shocked because THAT WAS THE SCHEDULE FOR MY EQUIRAB AND THAT KIND OF VACCINE HURTS AS HELL(as they say since its directly on the wounds) so yeah... i turned pale i guess very visibly and i actually whined. Imagine 23 year old whining about a vaccine... because I AM NOT READY! I THOUGHT THATS FOR THE FINAL SHOW!

So yeah. Thats that. They're laughing cause i really look horrified to get vaccinated. But i did it! And it hurts as hell. Its like... slowly painfully flowing inside of your flesh and it hurts as hell... did i say it hurts as hell yet? Especially the one between my fingers. Man... it went through my bones and my tendons and it swell for a bit. And now they're itchy. Super itchy.

Edited: I said prolly this monday. But i couldnt. Para sure at hindi ako magkaroon pa ng kasalanan i'll try to finish this after my last session/dose of anti rabies. Grabe. Paranoid ko sobra.

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