Long Wait

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AN: hi! Almost a month of absence. Please remember that this is not me abt to leave yall hanging. I took a break. I experienced THE post dengue syndrome. If thats what it called. My body ached so much. At night i wasnt able to sleep well and then in the morning my limbs were so weak. I still have joint and muscle pain now but not that painful anymore so im thankful. Also, i was and still am, anxious over little things. And when that happens its so difficult for me to breathe. I think ive developed some kind of trauma or what. Or anxiety disorder... but im not sure. Hindi ako nagpakonsulta sa professionals. But it feels like it. Its been very rough time for me and my family too. So onting tiyaga lang. Onting pasensya. Dadating din tayo sa epilogue guys. Also, keep safe. Please be understanding of your otor :)

Also. Sorry for a clickbait. Di ko maasikaso for the past weeks na tapusin yung draft. And for that, im so sorry. But trust me when i say i wont leave yall hanging. We'll get there. Just... be patient with yer sickly otor


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