Special Gift #4 Part 9

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Alyssa was all alone one night and she decided, why not go for a walk?

Her friends, Maureen and Joanne; Mimi and Roger all went for a date night and Mark and Collins have to go back to New York because of their jobs. Well, it's not like those two couples don't have jobs, they do. It's just that, Maureen's last off-Broadway show ended and finally got her vacation. Roger and Mimi basically got their time on their hands ever since starting business together and Joanne's her own boss now finally starting her own law firm just two years ago and since she's an awesome lawyer, she's finally got recognized as her own person and not because of her parents.

Now, since she's basically Joanne's prodigy, they can all pretend at work that she's with Joanne because she's getting lessons with her... Not that everyone doesn't know that the lawyer has essentially adopted the young woman since their boss' wife wanted that Alyssa girl.

Alyssa smirked as she thought about that all over again.

She's got new family in Maureen and Joanne.

Maureen, despite all her protests in the past, insisted on her being their 'child' or lovechild as the diva like to say. She cooks breakfast for her (Joanne's first reaction to that was actually hilarious... She said never in their entire relationship did Maureen woke up earlier than she did and cooked for her.) At first she thought Joanne would be jealous. She learned of Maureen's flirty ways, even her record of infidelities. But somehow, Joanne just shrugged it off, and then mumbled some kind of 'maternal instinct' as she ate.

Maureen also taken to buy her clothes. Though there might be some time where the older woman would wrestle with her through one of the clothes which wasn't just her style. She knocks on her door just before she closes her eyes to sleep and Maureen goes in and tell her good night (after few months Joanne picked up that routine too) and when she wakes up with a nightmare in the middle of the night Maureen usually comes in in all bed hair and stuff, sometimes she also hums a lullaby for her to sleep.

Soon enough, both wife and wife regularly joins her before going to bed and it both made her grateful (her parents never really did that) and overwhelmed.

Di namalayan ni Alyssa na napadpad na sya sa Jollibee. She's never had one since forever. She knows Maureen's a vegetarian and held protests back in the day (that's what she likes to say) and she's shy bringing Joanne there. Lady's just looks so prim and proper to bring to place like Jollibee. So now that she's alone, she can finally get herself some kind of... Taste of her childhood.

"Watch it." Came a man's voice. "Tumingin ka sa dinadaanan mo ha... Oh, would you look at that."

The voice is so smug she just have to look and the sight made her frown.

The man smirked, staring her down.

Alyssa would like to refuse to meet his gaze. She just doesn't want to deal with him in any day. But she also remember that she did nothing wrong to this guy and if there's someone who should be ashamed of, it's him.

She raised an eyebrow as she saw no remorse nor shame in this man's face.

"Gusto kong makiraan. Kaya mawalang-galang na, lumayas ka sa dadaanan ko?" She said crisply.

"And she talks..." This man, LA cried. "Akala ko nalunok mo na dila mo eh."

Alyssa stared at him for a while then she just sighed in resignation. No need to really just give into this kind of taunts. It's been a long time and she really shouldn't be letting him get into her.

So she just shrug and pivoted her foot to get away from him and finally get past him.

And then the guy just had to grab him by the wrist.

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