Special Gift #4 Part 7

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The first time she ever faced the people other than 'Pookie' and 'Honeybear' from Alyssa's new group of friends was when she and the group accidentally eating on the same restaurant that Alyssa and her new friends eat.

She went to the rest room and met this Latina woman on the mirror.

"So." Latina woman started. "You're Aly's ex-wife."

"Talking to me?"

Latina woman shrugged and motioned around. "We're the only ones here. And I know you know who's Aly I'm talking about."

"She talked about me huh?" Dennise wondered.

"Well, she has to. We cornered her. After that Jo convinced her that a divorce was the best option." Latina explained. "She never talked about you ever since. She didn't even told us your name. We didn't know your face. How you look like."

"How'd you know then?"

"That you're Aly's cheating ex-wife?"

It was the first time anyone other than her family and LA addressed that matter to her. And called her that.

Latina woman smiled. Then pointed at her face. "You have that look. That guilty look. Regret too. And well, longing. While Alyssa looked like she just wanted to fly back to New York everytime she sees you."

"She's in New York? All this time?"

"Kid wanted to start over."

Dennise scoffed. "Hiding you say. It was easier than facing me. Instead she flew to New York and mailed me the divorce papers."

"You can't blame her, girl. You hurt her. So bad." Latina woman retaliated. "How'd you feel about that? That you made her ran away from everything she's used to and 'hide' to this foreign land where she has no one?"

Dennise swallowed her tongue.

"Kinda sucks right? And now you look at her and you see how she's doing great. And she is doing great. She has friends that's more than her family and she's moved on while you on the other hand. Can't seem to still get over that Christmas Eve."

Dennise sneered and glared at this lady.

"You watch your mouth. You know nothing about me." She pointed a finger at the woman but turned to the door when another voice came.

"Oh, we know enough kid. Now put that finger down and calm your tits." This white girl curly haired woman blinked. "What? Mimi, you're taking forever to piss. And Aly's aware of you." She glared pointedly at Dennise. "Now, she's a smart kid. She'll figure out we interacted with you. So Meems. You better be get outta here and go back there."

Mimi lady nodded and marched out of the rest room while this lady stayed.

"You know, I would call you many names. But I'm afraid I'm not in the right position to do that to you."

Dennise eyed the woman.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Curly haired white woman stared her down and smirked. "We became her family. We are her family. And we may be here for quite some time but I'm not going to let you have her alone even for one second."

"She is not a child. She's not your daughter."

Green eyes shine with mirth. "Oh, girl. We're practically her parents in New York. She's ours and we protect those who belongs to us. Now the kid may not like this interaction between us so I gotta go now."

"And remember." She said pausing dramatically. "Always remember that she's the baby of the group. We all know her story. Your story. I can guarantee you I won't do anything to physically or in any way harm you. But those other guys especially my wife? My wife's a lawyer. Very good at that and she can do damage to you your family and your future."

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