Sauerkraut Love (Where We Meet New Love at Unexpected Times)

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AN: The last chapter for My Gift. Am i emotional? No. Happy? Yes. Tanggap ko na ba? Uhhh... well i guess thats just it. Things aren't what we expect them to be and we... accept.

Anyway. Maybe after this chapter, i'll focus on my other stories... then start my drafts on my new ideas. Yes, hindi po ako titigil sa paggawa ng fanfiction even tho... revilla na si lazaro. Or even if maging ravena pa si valdez. Just keep the ship going. Just to keep it alive... its alive! 😁


"I can't believe Brad talked us into going to Germany just to eat and make sauerkraut." Claire whined.

This time, it's just Claire, Brad, Alyssa and Andy on a vacation since Chris and the others can't leave the job. Well, technically, Brad isn't on vacation since he's got a series to film. Claire, while working for the same company Brad, Andy, Chris and some of their friends are working... she's only on contract. She just does a series and other pastry stuff while working on her book.

And her... she's actually working for a publishing company for over a year now.

She's scheduled to go for a vacation in Philippines next year since she promised her parents it won't take 4 to 5 years anymore for her to go visit.

"I can't believe we agreed!" Andy said.

Alyssa just shrugged. "Temporary lapse of judgement."

"Oh, please! You three act as if you weren't even enjoying this trip!" Brad cried at them. He's walking away ahead of them in this... freakishly thick snow.

"I don't know... he's kinda right." Alyssa said in low voice. "Love their beer here."

Claire shake her head at her best friend and balled a snow then throw it at her.

"Hey!" She protested.

"Try it! It's fun, AV!" Claire laughed.

Alyssa turned and did the same to Brad who jerked in surprise.

"Hey! What are you---" snow in the face from Andy. "These kids..."

So the snow fight happened.

Alyssa's laughing like a movie villain when someone crashed with her body like a train and then she's down.

Her friends immediately went to help her up but she looks really really hurt.

"OH MY GOD! AV!" Claire cried, tending to her friend who's down on the snow still.

"Check the head." Andy said so Claire did so.

"No blood." Claire declared.

"Hey! You should be more careful." Claire turned to the person who crashed with Alyssa who is now up her feet.

"No. She should never be standing on road laughing."

Claire's eyebrow hiked up.

She's about to retaliate but Andy held her back. "It's a vacation, Claire. We shouldn't let this ruin our day. And besides, we still have to check on Aly first."

Parang aso naman na parang gumalaw ang tenga nung babae sa narinig.

Pero hindi...

Napakarami namang Aly sa buong mundo. O baka hindi nga A-L-Y eh. Pwedeng Ali.

Claire and Andy tap Alyssa relentlessly while Brad went to talk to the woman who bumped with Aly.

"Look, lady. We just wanna make sure. Stay here, yeah?"

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