Special Gift #3 Part 7

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Alyden with Shelby, Beth and Gwynnie-pooh and, okay just coz i've been binge reading all MoJo (Maureen/Joanne... From Rent? Of course im more familiar with Tracie Thoms as Joanne. Anyway, Idina Menzel debuted as an actress in Rent and then Rent the movie
She's the OG honeybear 😙) fanfic out there (no matter how old and how hopeless they are gonna get an update)

Also, two audits in one month and a wholeeeee lotta compliance things to do, buddy boii.


12/17/2020: Seriously. When someone tries to be an adult [work] how can you find time for yourself? You know? For your hobbies? I hate work... But we have to work... 🥺

12/19/2020: God... How can i get out of the Idina-is-so-hot club? Also... I felt like ive worked my ass off and the compensation isnt enough... Ever felt that way? Then i look at some of my coworkers who work OT and... Yeah... They are the ones who deserve it.


"What time is their arrival again?"

"Kim, geez... Will you calm down?"

Mela rolled her eyes as Kim continuously paced over the floor.

"What if something happened?"

Mela calmly sighed. "Nothing's gonna happen."

"How can you know that?!"

Just then, a sound of a vehicle pulling over just outside Alyssa's house came and Mela gave Kim an 'i-told-you-so' look.

"See? That's them!"

Kim beamed and bolted right out of the living room.


It was Shelby, Beth and Joan who came put of the SUV first and they chuckled at their old friend who look around for her best friend.

"Hello to you too, Kimberly." Shelby said with a sly smile.

"Do not call me that." Kim hissed although proceeded to give the older woman a hug. "Vacay good?"

"Vacay amazing, Kim..." Shelby answered which made Kim beam. "-berly."

Mela laughed out as her girlfriend huffed in indignation at Shelby's teasing.


Said person gasped as she turned and saw... "Gwynnie-pooh!"

"Kimmy!" Gwyn shrieked as she toddled her way to Kim.

Kim knelt, opened her arms wide open only for little Gwyneth (bless her) to see Shelby and the toddler gasped again, like she hadn't travelled with her grandma all the way.

"Gammy!" Gwyneth took a sharp curb and pivoted her foot, she's got good footwork–nothing like her mama, and wrap her little arms around Shelby's legs.

Mela was the first to cackle loudly and so followed by Beth's uncontrollable giggles then Joan's chuckle (though she tries to keep it light) and Shelby's snort.

"This is not funny!" Kim stood up and points a finger at Shelby. "You're corrupting my little nugget against me?" Though Shelby knew it's a playful accusation.

Shelby smirked as she put a hand on Gwyneth's head. "Now, now... Everyone loves Shelby so don't feel bad, Kimberly."

"You my Gammy." Gwyneth happily supplied and Shelby melted right away.

She cooed at her granddaughter and kiss  Gwyneth's forehead. "Yes, I am, bubba... And you're my little pooh."

"Hey, pooh... Why don't we console your Kimmy now?" Beth intervened, taking pity of Kim's sad puppy look. "Look. She's a little sad."

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