Special Gift #4 Part 5

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"So. Aly, how's working with Joanne?" Mimi asked. Everyone seems to forgot about what happened three months ago.

Alyssa shrugged. "She's great. She's a great lawyer and in short period of time I've learned so much in the business."

Joanne smirked, Maureen on her lap. "And she's great as an assistant too. Quick learner. Pretty smart too."

Maureen beamed.

"They bonded pretty well huh?" Maureen said with a smirk. "See, Pookie? She's our lovechild. She has your workaholic-ness."

Mimi, Roger and Collins chuckled.

"Why do you insist on me being your child?" Alyssa huffed. Yes, she's somewhat used to Maureen being Maureen at times but the woman insisting on her being their lovechild is somewhat ridiculous idea to her still.

"Because you are! Aly, I'm telling you. Your Mama and I wished to adopt before. But because of my record as activist in my youth we can't. Sadly we couldn't pass as parents."

Alyssa can see how Joanne frowned at that.

So she commented, out of nowhere and really just didn't intended it to come out loud. "You also wanted a child but couldn't have one huh..."

Joanne noticed.


Alyssa blinked and realized she shouldn't have said that.

"Well..." She chuckled, more like nervously. "I mean..."

Joanne let that slide, nodding as she looked at Maureen, meeting her eyes in silent conversation.

They continued talking until Mark asked. "So, what's your story, Alyssa?"

"My what?"

"Your story." Roger agreed to his best friend. "We've known you for three months and we only know what your name is, sexuality and that your 'rents are homophobic."

Which made Mimi slap him on the arm.

"What? It's a valid question?"

"But can you be a little sensitive about it?"

Alyssa sighed. "It's okay... I just don't like talking about it coz you know? It's hard when I have to remember that I only have myself sometimes."

"But you don't just have yourself, right now, kid." Maureen leaned putting a hand on her arm. "We're your family now. Your bohemian family."

Skeptical, Alyssa nodded half-heartedly.

So Joanne breathe deep.

"Did you know that Mark and Maureen used to be together?"

Maureen frowned. Why is this happening now?

"Huh?" Alyssa asked, interested. "Really?"

"Yeah." Mimi nodded, quickly getting the idea running through Joanne's mind.

Collins smiled too. "Mm-hm. And I'm gay."

When Alyssa turned to him, he continued.

"I have... AIDS. My girl--well, boyfriend Angel had as well."

Alyssa saw the sad smile Collins has and she smiled sadly too.

"I'm HIV positive too. Me and Roger."

Alyssa opened her mouth but nothing came.

So Joanne continued.

"And, well you might judge us for this but..." Joanne looked at Maureen. "Maureen cheated on Mark with me."

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