Special Gift #4 Part 10

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Sheesh... Umabot na tayo ng part 10... Pero di ko pa kaya pakawalan ang MoJo 🥺


It wasn't the first time Alyssa saw Dennise with LA but it sure is the time they actually interacted for more than few glances.

It's in a police station and Alyssa have no idea why Dennise is here.

"Why is that woman here?"

Alyssa glanced at Maureen and Joanne who sandwiched her again.

"They're not together... That was what we all know right?" Maureen continued. She then looked straight ahead and stare at the two.

So she just shrug as the two, LA and Dennise already noticed their arrival.

LA visibly seethed while Dennise looked like a deer caught in a headlight. Like she caught her on bed with LA, not that the idea wasn't real, just not the caught part. But Dennise looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there.

"Hi!" Someone brightly said.

This lady looked familiar for Alyssa and  then she looked at Dennise and then it clicked. This lady is one of Dennise and LA's friends when they were still cheating on her.

Maureen stared at this lady who looked giddy as she tried to introduce herself to her wife. "Who are you?" She couldn't help asking.

"Oh! I'm representing LA."

Maureen, Joanne and Alyssa all looked at each other. Joanne closed her eyes and sighed while Maureen clenched her jaw and fist and was about to fire something when she felt Alyssa grab her right fist.

"Hi." With her hand who's not holding Maureen's, Alyssa held out to shake hands with this lady. "Alyssa Valdez."

"I, actually know you."

If the lady was mocking her, it's not written on her face.

Lady just pursed her lips and smiled neutral in front of the small family.

"I believe we met before. I know, sadly that you remember that night too well."

Joanne and Maureen already knows what the lady is talking about and wouldn't want Alyssa to ever think of that Christmas ever again so Maureen butted in. "So? You are...?"

"Oh... Mika Reyes." She smiled ever so kindly again. "Why don't we talk about the case?"

Joanne nodded. "Yes. We have to. Lead the way?"

Four ladies nodded and went to the way of where LA and Dennise was. Sitting with LA are Mika and Dennise; Mika in between those two while Alyssa yet again sat between Joanne and Maureen. Joanne across LA and Maureen eyeing Dennise.

"Alright. So not to beat around the bush here. We would like to have an agreement." Mika cordially said while turning her stare from the police officer to Joanne. "My client is willing to shoulder the medications of Ms. Valdez."

Joanne only nodded. "That's good actually. But you see, physical injury wasn't the only thing Mr. Revilla here is trying to get away to. She harassed my... Client."

"Harassed?! Are you getting too full of yourself, Alyssa? I wouldn't touch you with a ten feet pole." LA snarled.

Mika tried to shut him up and so trying to look apologetic. "Mr. Revilla doesn't mean that. I'm sorry, but do go on Atty. Jefferson."

"Well, as you would know, harassment isn't limited to sexual harassment. You see," she looked at the police who looked so entranced at her speaking. "If you would look up, there's a bit of past here. Alyssa here used to be married to Ms. Dennise Lazaro and she and Mr. Revilla might have had a small tryst back in the day. Ms. Valdez over here is only in the country for a couple of months, she's having a peaceful vacation here. But as our presented evidences shown, Mr. LA here started going after Alyssa."

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