Special Gift #3 Part 1

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AN: Hey! Third installment of the special chapters of My Gift. And i know... I've been MIA for a long time. I do wish i have an excuse, a valid excuse like im busy at work or college is a bitch... But nah... I was having a writer's block. Honest answer. Writer's block has been becoming frequent this ECQ guys and im very sorry that instead of taking advantage of this to make updates i... Dawdled a bit. I've been lost in Faberry wonderland guys i just... God, Dianna Agron is sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful. I love her then (back when glee was still... My thing) and i love her even more now. She is such a goddess i cant stop singing praises to that woman. She seems so sweet and kind and... God. I just love her. Yeah. Ya otor's have an additional girl crush on her bag, eh?


This is new idea that came from a SQ fanfiction.

So its an AU ok? Let's pretend ALYDEN grew up from USA. Let's pretend ALYDEN was never volleyball players at ADMU. Let's pretend... Cos this is an alternative universe and well... You just have to see where this is going.

Also, i've come to realize that We Could've Been surpasses 10k reads (its on 12k now sorry this is soooo late) and i really... Really wanna give some update to celebrate that but writer's block is a beyotch. So usually when i have a writer's block it usually comes with a new idea... Or inspiration. So to overcome writer's block i usually write that idea down to get it off my head and move on with my original plan to update. So hopefully after this one i'll be able to update with 2 maybe 1 of my on going stories since those 2 were the ones i started to make a draft of. Fingers crossed 🤞


It was a great date night for the two of them.

He was always the introvert type. Yes, she is introvert herself but being in pseudo-public figure life made her susceptible to social life.

But then again, having someone who knows and shares the love for privacy, even though they both have become pretty public with their occupations, is what she wants.

They've gone to dinner. It was wonderful like always. He's a great man... Even great boyfriend. He's everything any girls could hope for.

Comfortable silence enveloped them as they just hold each other's hand. Him smiling at her, adoration clear in his eyes. And so much more.

She on the other hand smiled back sweetly. She's really not much for grand gestures but she does enjoys them sometimes. But being here with him. Just being here with is everything.

Then he started to peel of her, but not letting go of her hand.

"I know I could've done this in much grander way..." He started then he knelt in one knee, he's looking up at her as if she put the stars on the sky. "But then I---" he drawled and chuckled nervously. "I don't think you and I will both like that very much..."

She smiled through tears.

"And I would want to do this at the way we could both enjoy and appreciate... Especially you, babe." Then he reached at his breast pocket. "Dennise Michelle Lazaro, will you make me an honest man? Will you marry me?"

Dennise chuckled, tears now brimming on her eyes. "Yes..." Then a happy shriek went out of her mouth. "YES!"

Both of them smiled, grinning widely, almost hurting... LA exhaled as he put the ring on Dennise's finger.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Arlene called, just after LA got home.

"Well, hello, darling." Happiness clear on her mother's voice. "I believe I have to congratulate you?"

Dennise smile breathlessly. "Yes, mom... I'm so happy... I can't wait to marry him." She said dreamily.

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