Special Gift #3 Part 5

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It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Kim just woke up, and honestly still tired. She slept at 6 am this morning after a tiring day at her grandmother's diner and going to Alyssa's resto bar to check on the things there.

Besides that, she and Mela did a little fun in the crack ass dawn.

She really have zero idea how Mela woke up at 7 am... But then again, she wasn't the one who has to look out for two business places.

So when there was someone pounded on her door, she huffed and stomped her foot.

The knocking never stopped so with heavy feet, she walked to front door and opened it. Sleepy eyes suddenly widening as she looked at the offending visitor.

"Kim I need you to tell me where she is!!!"

Kim's jaw dropped open and blinked. "Oh my God, DENNISE!"


Kim invited Dennise inside. The first time actually. Mela did let their old friend in but not Kim. Guess she's still bitter about this girl who hurt her best friend in many years.

"So... Are you gonna explain to me why you're back here? After... Over a month?"

Dennise looked away, feeling nervous. Kim's always been the blunt one. She'd say what's in her head and will not even feel sorry for it.

"How's the wedding? Aren't cha supposed to be in a honeymoon or something?"

Kim stared at her old friend. Then her gaze turned to her hands. Fingers. "Look, Den. We both know there's something that happened. Either tell me what was that or I won't tell you what happened with Alyssa."

"Okay. Fine..." Dennise sighed. Her hands rubbing together. "There's no honeymoon... Because there was no wedding that happened."

"Thought so." Kim said knowingly.

"How?!" Dennise demanded.

Kim shrugged, motioning to the ring-less left hand. "It's a bit obvious considering how the diamond who used to be there was huge."

"So? Gonna tell me what happened? What happened to you being a Lazaro-Revilla huh?"

With a sigh, Dennise replied. "It never happened. The wedding. It's just so... Overwhelming. I thought being with him, being married to him is what I really want. Yes, I love him but... But I'm just not in love with him you know?"

"So you left him?"

"He knew. He noticed something was wrong after we arrived back home. And I tried. He's a great guy. And I love him... God, I love him and I don't want to hurt him. Hurting him was the last thing I wanted but..." Dennise face palmed and chuckled. "It's just not right. Everything wasn't right."

"But you were already divorced with Aly right? Why does it still felt wrong?"

Dennise chuckled humorlessly. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?" She clenched her teeth. "I'm still head over heels with your friend. There. I said it. Happy?"

"Very." Kim shrugged. "God knows it was time for ya to be honest to yourself for once."

"Oh. You never know just how bad I felt over this whole thing..." Dennise said sadly. "I've been lying to everyone including myself for so long. I've been angry for too long. I've blamed her for everything when I shouldn't have."

"So you're back? For how long? For what? What are you expectin'?" Kim eyed Dennise. She's standing while the regretful woman's sitting on the chair. "Why are you demanding to know where she is? How sure are you that she'd still be here?"

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