Special Gift #3 Part 4

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Thanksgiving is a pretty new practice for the three and a half women.

Gwyneth tried turkey, just a little. But she loooooves mashed potatoes and the little extra mac n cheese her grandma, grammy made just for her.

Beth though, was a rival to Kim when it comes to eating. Shelby's terrified look made Mela and Alyssa chuckle as the older brunette woman tried to clean Beth's face but the preteen was trying to avoid it.

There was an overwhelming feeling Alyssa had. She's never had this kind of Thanksgiving ever. The Valdez couple were never really that much of a Thanksgiving celebrants. And even if they celebrated it, they spent the whole day being sad about not being able to be with their own children.

And with Dennise...

Well, she was always thorn between spending it with her mom and dad, her mom holding much grudge towards her since she eloped with a... Thief kid.

She felt Shelby's gaze towards her. Shelby held her hand while watching their family and friends tease with each other.

Black Friday and they spent the day outside. They also met with Laura and her mom and sisters at the park where Gwyneth and Beth fed the ducks on the pond.

At night, Shelby and Alyssa decided that they will have dinner at the resto bar.

But what surprised them is Arlene, Dennise's mother throwing an engagement party, a surprise one on the place. She rented their gazebo and Shelby almost seethed in anger if not for Alyssa reasoning out with her.

"We're going. We'll just have takeouts."

Alyssa looked at the gazebo. She swallowed at she watched Dennise and her fiancè having so much fun. "No, it's fine."


"I mean, this is my place... Well, technically our place since you are one of the investors but yeah. Clearly, Arlene is egging us. Trying to rile us up. And I won't give her that satisfaction of her watching us walk away of this place that belongs to us." Alyssa said. "And besides... This just makes it all real. At first, when Dennise first got back in the town I was... Living in a fantasy. A fantasy of turning her around and make her fall for me over again. Or that she still felt the same. That she's still in love with me and she's just too stubborn to admit it. So when LA proposed to her that day, I was hit with the reality that I'm not getting her back. The divorce is real. Her getting married with other people is happening."

Shelby watched her daughter the entire time she talked.

She felt huge pride over her. She's so brave. And strong.

"I admire you..." Shelby started. "You never tried to hurt her back. And now you gave her freedom. You are so brave. So strong... And most of all, sweetheart you have such huge heart."

Alyssa didn't answer so Shelby volunteered to get them some food and drinks.

That's when Beth intercepted her mom and passed her Gwyneth. Who Shelby happily take and went to the kitchen to place her orders directly.

Beth sat next to her older sister on the stairs who's across the gazebo. They can see the people having fun.

"Ate Ly?"

Alyssa hummed.

"Can I just say? That your taste with women is impeccable."

That made Alyssa chuckle. "Well..."

"Do you consider me as your sister?" Beth bravely asked.

So Alyssa look at Beth and extended her arm, ruffling Beth's hair. "Yes, kid... I do."

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