Chapter 11 ~ Homecoming With Dustin & Mysterious Texts.

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When Brenda and I emerged from Evelyn's room, Louis told us she already left for school. So we quickly finished our breakfast and headed out as well.

When we got to school, Evelyn was standing by her locker, talking to Dustin, the capitan of the football team.

She had a goofy smile on her face, and her cheeks were flushed with a color of pink as she laughed at something he said. Finally, she nodded and he kissed her cheek before walking away. 


"Thanks for ditching us this morning Eve!" 

She scoffed and opened her Biology book. "Something happened, so I decided to leave earlier."

"Was it because of Dustin? Is he your new boyfriend?" Brenda teased as she pulled her bestfriend into a bonecrushing hug.

"No. He just asked me to homecoming." 

Suddenly, Brenda's squeal filled the room. "He asked you to homecoming? Oh my gosh, that's so cute!" 

A blush slowly made it's way to Evelyn's bruised cheeks as she mumbled something. 

I parted to lips to speak, but was interrupted when Todd approached us. He had a massive bruise on his lower lip, which I assume was from Evelyn. 

"Hey babe, last night was fun, we should do it again some time." 

Evelyn's fist clenched, but before she can collide it with Todd's face, Mr. Johson entered the room with a bunch of paper in his hands. 

"Okay, today, we're starting Romeo and Juliet. Normally, I would just make you read it, but this time, I will partner you up with someone to play the parts. I think it will be the best way for you to understand this play." 

He grabbed a slip of paper from his binder and cleared this throat.

"Sasha and Todd, you will be playing Lord and Lady Montague." 

"Conner and Brenda, you will be Lord and Lady Capulet." 

"Evelyn and Dustin, you will play Romeo and Juliet." 

I let out a wolf whistle as they smiled at each other, earning a painful punch from Evelyn. 


 "No, Dustin! Put me down!" Evelyn squealed as her 'friend' picked her up from behind. 

"Haha, you're cute when you squeal." 

I wanted to walk out of the room and punch that smirk off his face. Evelyn is suppose to be mine. I'm suppose to be the one kissing her, hugging her, and flirting with her out there. 

But then again, I just left her after I kissed her.. so it's my fault she's not with me right now. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud thump. I stuck my head back out only to be greeted by Evelyn and Dustin kissing. Jealousy washed over me as I stormed out of the room and out the front door without saying anything to them. 

I got into my range rover and headed straight to the bar. 

 About 20 shots later, I found myself mixed with the dirty dancers on the floor, grinding my body against strangers. It wasn't long before I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist. I turned around, revealing a hot blonde chick with a face caked with make-up. 

easy target. 

She smirked as I pushed her against the wall, immediately crashing my lips against hers. She grabbed my blazer and swiftly ripped it off. Before I can register what I was doing, we were headed towards the VIP section. 

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