Chapter 36 ~ Going "Home"

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I froze and gazed into his emerald green eyes, unsure of what was going to happen.

"Seeing you kiss Dustin was probably the worst feeling I've ever had to experience... and not touching, kissing, or loving you was the hardest thing I had to do.. "

He brought his hand to my waist and smiled before leading me behind a big bush revealing a huge paper plane, candles, and a beautiful pond.

I turned to face Harry who seem to be admiring his work. 

"This is amazing, how did you get a piece of paper that big?" 

He smiled. "Actually, I taped a bunch of paper together, and got like.. fifty paper cuts on my fingers."  

I laughed and pressed my forehead against his. "Well, should I kiss them better?" 

He smirked. "It would be much appreciated.." 

A giggle emited from my lips as I brought his hands to my lips, kissing them softly. He closed his eyes and sighed before pulling my face back up and connecting his mouth to mine. Suddenly, everything else don't seem to matter, I kissed him back forcefully until he pushed me against a tree and moving from my lips to my jawline. I wrapped my legs around his waist and closed my eyes loving his feeling of his lips on my skin.

Just when he tugged on my t-shirt, I stopped him. 


He paused and gasped for air while smiling at me. "Baby, I'm sorry... and I truly love you. I guess.. I just felt so alone when you left, and I didn't know what I was thinking.. please don't hate me.. I can't loose you again. The past two weeks were horrible, I had withdrawal sympton and I couldn't eat or sleep.. I miss my girlfriend. Please forgive me."

I knew that my answer would be yes, a thousand times yes! But I still had my doubts, and I was willing to build some walls between us, just in case. A moment of silence later, I found my voice. 

"Haz... you're so cheesy." 

He was a bit lost at first, but when he noticed the smirk on my face, he smiled widely and brought his beautiful lips to mine again.


After Harry and I made up, he drove me home, kissed me goodnight. Only, it wasn't just a kiss, because Harry was Harry, he had to go and turn it into a make-out session in the car. 

I happily walked back into the house only to have my mood killed. 

Mom, Dad, Emerala. 

"Hey sweetheart, look who came back to visit." Uncle Simon said. His tone was annoyed and angry at the same time, which gives me the idea that he wants them to leave just as much as I do. 

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen. 

"What the hell are they doing here? Why did you let him in? Did you forget Emerala tried to kill you?" 

He nodded and placed his finger on my lip. "Shh, sweetheart, I know.. but they said they needed to talk. 

"But I don't want to talk to them. I don't even want to accept the fact that they're my parents... considering the way they treated me." 

"Okay, that's enough, Let's just go see what they want okay?" 

I reluctantly walked back into the living room and sat down in the edge of the couch while Uncle Simon sat next to me. 

 "Hi sweetie... I understand, you probably never want to see us again, considering what you said the last time we were here, but look who we found! Emerala! Your twin sister! I remembered you guys always played together!" My mom said. 

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