Chapter 23~ Regret & Lies.

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"Baby, don't you think that was too harsh?"

Evelyn sat down on the couch and leaned her head against my shoulder. "They abandoned my brother and I when I was only almost 10, and my dad abused me. I just don't think they have the rights to tell me what to do after what they did to me."

I nod, and we sat there for a few silent minutes. 

 "Okay, let's just escape all this drama for now. How about we go on a date?"

She grinned and nuzzled her nose against mine. "Where are we going?"

I thought for a minute. "Olive garden?"

 "Okay, just give me ten minutes to get ready?" and with that, she peeled herself away from my embrace and ambled to the loo.


After dinner, we decided it would be nice to take a walk in the park. I can tell that Evelyn was troubled by everything that's happening, and even though I still have doubts about what happened, I decided not to say anything. 

"Hey pathetic bitch! What an unpleasant surprise!" 

I looked up revealing an unfamiliar boy, smirking at my girlfriend, who suddenly tensed up. He looked down at our intertwined hands and chuckled.

"You didn't tell your boyfriend about being a slut yet? Is that why he is still with you?" 

"Shut the hell up Todd, and get out of my face." She growled. 

He smiled, very unpleasantly if I must add. "Really? Because that's not what you said to me last night." 

Now it was my turn to tense. "Last night?" 

My girlfriend turned to me and shook her head. "I wasn't with him last night! I was at Brenda's." 

"I begged a differ, shall I replay the evidance?" Todd smirked. 

He held up his phone which was playing a video of them in bed 'doing it'. 

I started to get angry. "What the hell Evelyn!?"

She starred at his wide eyed. "That's not me! I swear Harry! I didn't do that!" She grabbed my forearm but I pushed her away, causing her to stumble to the ground. 

I was so hurt, and untterly confused. I didn't know what I was doing. 

"I can't believe you cheated on me!" 

"I didn't cheat on you! That's wasn't me!!" She exclaimed, obviously trying to hold back her tears. 

"The proof is right here, why are you trying to hide it from your boyfriend baby?" Todd smirked teasingly. 

Evelyn got up and grabbed my hand. "Harry please, you have to believe me! That's not me in the video! Please, you know I would never hurt you!" 

I glanced at the screen again. 

same blue eyes. 

same auburn hair. 

same beautiful face. 

Tears started to form and I tried to blink it away, but they fell anyways. "No.. sorry.. I don't believe you." and with that, I turned away and headed home. 


After Harry left me, I fell to the ground, unable to function properly. Everything was just happening so fast.

"Awww, little Evelyn is crying! I never knew sluts had feelings." He paused and plastered another smirk on his face. "And I'm sure your Uncle is very proud to raise a worthless whore like you. Face it Evelyn, nobody is going to believe you because you're so pathetic." 

I clenched my fist and before he could react, I punched him right in the eye before kicking his chest. 

"You... you're the one that's ruining everything! What did you do to my uncle!? Why is he against me?"

He groaned and punched me back. I stumbled backwards until my back hit a tree. "Bitch, I told you I'd make you regret it. Now, you might think twice before trying to beat me up again."

I laughed. "You're the pathetic one here. You got beaten up by me, and I'm a girl." 

He glared at me with his dark brown eyes. "Well, then let me show you how it feels to be beaten up." He grabbed my hair and yanked it towards a car. He then slammed my head against the window and pushed me against the lamp post. 

"Remember when you refused to sleep with me? Well.. you should know... I always get what I want." His palm striked my cheek. "Now, an old friend of yours want you to suffer, and so do I." 

The last thing I remember was him slamming my head against a hard surface, before everything blacked out.


When I woke up I was tied to a chair. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on Todd, and a familiar figure that looked exactly like me.

"Hello sister, long time no see."

I frowned. What sister? 

"Who are you?" I asked with as much authority as I can, but it came out more of a squeak.

"I'm Evelyn!"

I furrowed my brow. "No you're not!" 

She smiled and held up her phone, showing me a recent text. 

It's gonna be like looking in a mirror.

"Does that look familiar?" 

My eyes widen. "Wow.... you weren't kidding when you said it''s like looking in a mirror" I paused. "What do you want?" 

"Todd, shall we go and finish what we started?" Mirror me smirked, ignoring me.  

"Yes EVELYN. I think we should." He said, emphasizing my name so I would get where they're going with this. 

"I think i'm going to start with my best friend Brenda, and work my way to my boyfriend.." She paused and coughed. "I mean ex-boyfriend Harry." 

Todd held up two items. 

My phone, and my keys.

"If you hurt them, I swear you're going to regret it." I grit through my teeth.

"We'll just see about that." They laughed before locking the door. 

I pulled on the ropes roughly, but it was too strong. I struggled for a few more minutes until my eyes landed on a pair of scissors. 

Slowly, and carefully, I scooted my chair closer to the table. But because I am probably the clumsiest girl in the world, the chair tipped over, bringing me down with it. 

Well this can't be good. 





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