Chapter 1 ~ Welcome Home.

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"Mom, you can't just leave like that!" Armando yelled.

"Shut up!" My dad growled.

"Don't speak to my kids like that!" She exclaimed.

I stood next to the door frame, gripping onto the metal as I solely starred at the woman dragging herself out of the flat.

"Dad! You can't just let her go!" Armando bellowed.

"We'll be fine without her."

I couldn't believe it. Our family is falling apart, and i'm just standing there watching.

Then again. I didn't know how to react,  what can I do?! It's not like I can magically change their minds.

But I guess it's worth a try....

I hastily ran up to my mom and engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Mom... please don't leave us."

Her body stiffened, and I could tell she was trying her best not to scoop us up and drag us along with her. 

"Please don't go...!"

"Get off her Evelyn!" My dad blared before pulling me onto the floor.

I fell back slamming my head against the edge of the drawer, causing a massive amount of pain to circulate through my brain. 

"Evelyn!" Armando clamored. 

I watched as my older brother grabbed my dad's collar and connected his fist with his jaw.

"Armando what are you doing? He's your father!!" My mom shouted as she attempted to pull him off.

"Not anymore." 

He pushed her off and continued to beat the older man into pulps.

Not being able to watch it anymore, she ran away with her bags.

My dad's fist suddenly flew up colliding with Armando's jawline. He tumbled back, clasping his face with his hand. 

My hands aviated up to my mouth as a sharp gasp escaped my lips. 

"I want you and that useless piece of trash out." 

Armando's eyes were boiling with anger as he pushed past him. Moments later, he reappeared with numerous duffle bags in his hands. He handed two of them to me and dragged me out the door. 

"Armando, where are you going?" I croaked.

"Away from here." 

"But dad..." 

I felt him tense him as he squeezed my hand tightly, making me cringe. 


He sighed and turned back to face me. 

"He's not our dad anymore... " 


July 23, 2010.

Entry #1: 

    It's been 3 weeks since I've been stuck in the hospital, and I am so elated to leave! I honestly can't wait until I return to school, and see everyone again. This time... I will have a smile plastered on my face, I will forget the past, and move on with my life. I know the next chapter of my life has been written and I'm going to live it happily. I promised myself.. no more cutting, no more crying, most importantly, no more dwelling in the past. Because I can't start a new chapter, if I don't end the current one. 

 I closed my journal and took a deep breath before swinging my legs over the bromidic hospital bed and climbing on my feet, taking a moment to stretch before promenading into the bathroom. 

I stripped myself from the white clothing, exposing the abhorrent scars on my left wrist. 

There were numerous denticulate lines running in multiple directions, reminding me of every stupid thing I've done.. and how everything fell apart.. I let out a sigh as I covered the horrifying memories.

 I threw on a white t-shirt, a pair of colored jeans, with my blue varsity jacket, before running a brush through my knotted hair.

Soon, I heard footsteps approaching and a familiar voice.


  I emerged from the bathroom and found my nurse standing there with my prescribed medicine in her hands. 

  "Hey Morgan!"  I greeted her. 

  "How do you feel?" She asked, flashing me a huge smile. 

  "Better than before!" 

 She nodded and handed me the brown paper bag. 

  "Now, you take this every 8 hours, and 2 pills each okay?" She instructed. 

  "Thanks!" I replied as I obtained it from her. 

  "No problem honey, now your uncle is waiting, time to go home!" She said gesturing to Uncle Simon who was standing by the door. 

  I smiled and quickly embraced her in a hug.

  "I'll see you when you come back for the follow up appointment, and don't cut again understood?" 

  I chortled and nodded before grabbing my already packed bags and exiting the hospital with Uncle Simon. 

  I inhales and exhales deeply as we walked out the door. It feels incredible to be able to go out be able to see the beautiful blue sky, the green trees, and breathe fresh air.

  We walked in a comfortable silence until we reached his car. I got into the passenger's seat whilst he loaded my bags in the trunk before slipping into the driver's. 

  He turned on the ignition and sat back in his seat. 

 "So.... I know you want to go home and relax, you know, after being in the hospital for 3 weeks... but  we recently formed two bands on XFactors,  and one group needs a place to stay at my place until we clear up the space in the XFactor house.  Is that okay?" He asked. 

  I nodded and fished my phone out of my pocket. 

  "That's fine, I know you have to do your job."

  "You're the best sweetheart!" He said whilst ruffling my hair. 

  I grinned and abruptly opened my messages. 

  "So.. who is this band? " I asked, not tearing my gaze away from the screen.

  "One Direction." He replied.

   I looked up from the message I was currently reading.

   "Those 5 super hot boys I heard so much about?" I asked with a slight smirk.

   He chuckled but quickly glanced at me with a serious expression plastered  on his face.  

  "Don't be all flirty with them."

 "Why not?" I whined.. 

  "They have to concentrate on their performance, plus it might cause problems.. "

  I sighed and diverted my attention to the scene outside, watching as the vehicle sped past the trees, and pedestrians. 

  15 minutes later, he pulled up in front of a familiar drive-way, soon his house came into view. I have to admit, I envied Uncle Simon. His house was big and beautiful. With a pool, and numerous rooms. It's so elegant! 

  I unbuckled my seat belt and rushed to the front door, eagered to see my new bedroom. A couple seconds later, Uncle Simon walked up with my bags and unlocked the door. 

  "Welcome home sweetheart!" He said, flashing me a toothy grin. 




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