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As the years went by, Harry and Evelyn did everything together. She eventually gave birth to a baby girl and two twin baby boys. 

Harry was so excited he wanted to name them Harry Jr. #1 and Harry Jr. #2. He even tried to convince Evelyn to name the girl Evelyn Jr. 

However, she had some other names in mind. 

Calla. She remembered reading a book about a girl named Calla. She is a strong girl and fought for what she believed in. It was her destiny the serve her masters but she decided to go with her heart. She wanted her own daughter to be just like that. Fight for her beliefs and never give up. 

As for the boys, she named them Renier and Shay. In the same story, these two boys were in love with Calla. ( not that she wants them to be in love with their sister ) but she wanted them to treat her like they would treat other girls. Ren was feisty but when it came to the right time, he knew exactly what to do and how to protect the girl he loves. Shay was similar but was more gentle and loving. They were both protective over Calla and wanted only the best for her. 

After convincing Harry for hours, he finally agreed. 

They spent the next 20 years raising their kids, and being a normal family. One Direction's fame has dialed down a little and now the couple owns their own music company. They help different people reach their dreams, the way they helped each other achieve their own.

Fast foward another 20 years, Ren, Shay, and Calla all got married and went on to persue their own dreams. 

Ren became a professional singer, just like his father and is now in the hottest boyband on their generation. He spends all his time touring, but would come back for visits on special holidays.

Shay became a famous director and is now making movies with the hottests stars in hollywood. He has plenty of free time and would always come home to bother Evelyn and Harry's alone time. 

Finally, Calla decided to keep it real, so she studied law and medicine and became a doctor/lawyer. She earned her Phd at the age 24 and married a handsome man who treats her like a princess. 

In the end, Evelyn and Harry moved into a small house in Cheshire and lived the rest of their lives enjoying each other's company and visiting Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Danielle, Zayn and Perrie, Niall and Amy, whom he finally asked out after Harry and Evelyn's marriage, Armando and Hailey, Conner and Angie, and finally, James and Isabel. Even Charlie grew up and became an amazing scientist, looking for ways to cure cancer. 

Emerala and Aaron moved to California and even though they all still keep in touch, it wasn't easy contacting them frequently. 

The two love birds usually just spend most of their time alone, and cherishing the time they have together. They were going to love each other no matter how many fights they get into because that's what they promised when they got married. 

and both Evelyn and Harry, never broke their promise, because their bond was just so strong. 

Although they've been through a lot , they went through it together, and at the end of the day...

That's what really mattered.

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