Chapter 27 ~ Apologies & boyfriend & Interviews.

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When the boys left, I went up to Evelyn and tried to hug her, but she pushed me away and starred at the ground, avoiding my eye contact. 


"I thought you never wanted to see me again." She croaked. 

I shook my head. "No.. i'm very sorry honey. I didn't mean it at all. I was angry, and I just.. I didn't know what I was saying. But I am truly sorry.. I realized it wasn't you who put me in this hospital.. it was- " 

"Emerala." She interrupted.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "You know your sister? Then why didn't you say anything?" 

"She's not my sister." 

"Yes she is." I replied, feeling utterly confused. 

"I don't have a sister like her, anybody with a sister like that is unfortunate." 

I frowned. "Evelyn, that's not something you should say. She is still your sister. " 

"Really? Because a sister won't hurt all of her sister's friends, or put her uncle in the hospital, or ruin her relationship with her boyfriend!" She cried. 

My eyes widen. "I- I'm sorry.. Look.. she ran away when you guys were about 6.. and -- " 

"Yeah, and we were looking for her. but we couldn't find her.. " She said. 

"Evelyn.... " 

"No.. Uncle Simon, I remember everything now... I actually had a dream when I was passed out.. " She paused.

"There was a little girl standing in front of me.. she looked exactly like me. I thought it was a mirror, but then when I moved, she didn't. She walked towards me with tears in her eyes... and said... it's because of you.. you're the reason why I ran away, and you're the reason why I hate you." 

She took a deep breath and looked at me. 

"I don't know what I did.. but I must've done something when I was little..."

She then looked up at me. "Why can't I remember her? Or.. why didn't I?"

"Well.. when you were 7, your father came home drunk, and abused everyone. Armando was out with his friends so it was only you and your mother. He pushed her out of the way and started hitting you. He pushed you against the table and you slammed your head on the edge, much like you did before. The doctor thought it was just a small concussion, but now he figured you might've had some memory loss..."

 "I-.. I'm sorry." She whispered. after a moment of silence. 

"Why are you sorry? I was the one that was wrong.." I frowned.

"No.. it's still my fault... I'm the reason they're after everyone I love." Tears were welling up in her eyes.

"Sweetie, it's not your fault.. don't bag on yourself, things will get better, and I'm sure they will stop soon okay?" 

She nodded and buried her face in my chest.  Finally, she let a tear escape her eyes before throwing her arms around me.

"I missed your hugs Uncle Simon." 

"I missed yours too sweetheart." I replied. "So am I forgiven?"

"No, that's why im hugging you like there's no tomorrow." She laughed. 

I laughed along and kissed her forehead . 

A few seconds later, she smirked and wiped away her tears. 

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