Chapter 22 ~ Family Reunion & Realization.

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"Harry get out here!" Louis shouted whilst dragging my forearm. 

I groaned and tried to push him off, but I wasn't strong enough. 

"What do you want!" He snapped, but stopped when his eyes landed on me. 

'Oh, it's you." His tone was mono, and blunt. 

I felt a slight jab in my chest. "You don't want to see me?" 

"Well.. you lied to me... "

 "I didn't lie to you!" 

"Why are you still trying to cover it up? It's pretty obvious you were lying! You never told anyone you wanted to be a lawyer and suddenly you're going to an interview? That's an obvious lie!" 

I glared at him. "So, you honestly don't believe me..." 

Suddenly, his gaze was fixed on the ground. "I don't know, but I do know I was with you earlier today."

We stood there starring at each other, waiting for one another to speak. 

I sighed. "Harry, look... I honestly wasn't at home in the morning, but I really don't want to fight over this. It's hurting me, and I don't think I can do this if you're against me too.. " 

He looked up again, but this time, he had tears brimming his eyes. "You're right, everything has been pretty crazy lately, maybe we should just forget this." 

I smiled as he ran up to me, embracing me in a hug before pressing his mouth against mine. We kissed for a few minutes until Louis cleared his throat.

"Well, don't swallow each other now." 

I giggled and turned to him. "Thanks Lou." 

"No problem!" He winked before walking out. I turned back to my boyfriend and cupped his cheek with my hand before pressing my lips to his again.

He seemed a bit reluctant, but I couldn't blame him. Something is definatly going on, and I have a feeling this is just the beginning. 


After cuddling for a few hours and watching movies, Harry was asleep. I peeled myself away from him and headed to the kitchen to make tea. When It was finished, I sat down on the island and thought about everything that has happened while drinking my freshly brewed tea. 

It's funny how life can change in half a year. From my parent's divorce, to my brother's death, to Todd, and what happened to my best friend, that mysterious text, Charlie's cancer, and now my uncle was attacked. 

Now that I think about it, most of my problems relate to Todd. I had to figure out what he's doing and why. 

My thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang. I was going to open it, but my boyfriend beat me to it. He stood there completely dazed until he walked aside, revealing two people. 

My mom and dad. 


 When I woke up, Morgan was sitting next to me, adjusting the needle in my arm. 

"Good evening Simon." 

I smiled a little. "How are you?" 

She sat down and frowned. "Bad."


"Because, I saw you yelling at Evelyn yesterday." 

I scoffed. "She's the one who put me in this hospital. "

"So, Evelyn did this to you?" 

I nodded, unable to accept it. 

"What exactly happened?" 

I knitted my eyebrows together and tried to remembered what happened. 

"Well, I couldn't sleep because I thought Evelyn was still in the country. I know she was angry with me when she left, and I don't know.. maybe she was so mad she decided to pair up with her boyfriend... and attack me.... " I trailed off. 

Something doesn't seem right. 

She looked confused for a second. "You honestly think your own niece would do this to you?"

"Well yeah, it's not like she has an evil twin from another galaxy, out to get me!"

She chuckled and shook her head. We laughed for a couple more seconds until something flowed back onto my mind.

The way Evelyn greeted me the night I was attacked, 

"Hey Simon. long time no see."

Then I realized, that didn't sound like her at all...I remembered whenever she greets me, she always has 'uncle' at the beginning. Then, I remember what she said before she left. 

Yes, Harry and I are dating.   

They seemed pretty happy together, and Harry even decided to go visit her after the xfactors... and I know my niece doesn't cheat. 

Something is going on...


"I don't want you back in my life." She retorted bitterly. 

I felt Lora tense up beside me, but I made no movement what so ever to comfort her. Harry, who was sitting next to Evelyn, grabbed her hand and slid his arm around her waist, trying to calm her down. 

He whispered something in her ear, putting a small smile on her face. 

"Sorry... I didn't mean to be so rude." 

Lora smiled thankfully at the curly haired boy before turning her attention to our daughter. 

"So how's Simon?" 

Now it was Evelyn's turn to tense. "Maybe you should go talk to him. I'm not going to live here anymore. I finished packing and I'm leaving tonight." 

I frowned. "But why? He is your guardian." 

She glared at me. "Oh, so suddenly you care?" 

"Listen up little bitch, I don't want to be here, and I know you don't want me here. But I am still your father, and I'm just trying to help alright?"

"No. It's not alright. And don't think you deserve to be my father. You never acted like one, and you never treated me like a daughter."

I started to get angry. "I can treat you anyway I want! I'm your father, and you're just going to have to accept it. There's no way you can deny it!"

She got up and clenched a fist. "Watch me."

 "Evelyn Clarke, don't talk to your father like that." Lora scolded.

"Oh i'm sorry. What father? According to Armando, he isn't our father anymore, and you're not much of a mother either."




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