Chapter 42~ She's gone...

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"I told you I was going to make sure you don't live a happy life." He smirked, pushing the girl away and wrapping his hand firmly around my neck. 

I inhaled deeply, trying to ignore the pain in my lungs and reached in my pocket to retrieve my phone. I quickly pressed a random number and hoped for the best before putting it back.

"Thought you were in a coma." 

He smiled wickedly. "I woke up, and it's your fault I was in a coma for half a year. I am not gonna let you go this easily. You're gonna suffer, like I did." He paused.  "But, before I kill you. Why don't you tell me where your brother is." 

I rolled my eyes. "I just got my brother back, there's no way in hell I'm telling you where he is." 

He laughed evily. "After all this time, you still think you have a choice?" 

I ignored his cockiness and focused on breathing with the limited amount of air I had left.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Where is Armando?" 

"I'm not gonna tell you." I gasped, as he applied more pressure around my neck. 

"Fine, then maybe you will after I do this." He kneed my stomach and threw a punch at my face. 

I groaned and tried to kick him. but because my vision started to blur, I missed, givng him the chance to kick me again. 

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my stomach and realized he had his feet on it and is pushing it down. 

"Bitch, your brother killed my sister. I want him dead. Or maybe, you can die with him!" He growled. 

"Go rot in hell Todd, I'm not telling you anything." and with that, I felt him pull me off my feet and plunged somewhere something sharp near my chest. The last thing I remembered before total darkness was the strangled scream that escaped my lips and the horrible pain that left me breathless.


I tapped my fingers on the table as I waited for my girlfriend to come back when I heard a familiar scream emerge from the girl's bathroom. My heart jumped a little and before I knew it, I was rushing towards the loo, knocking random people over who then screamed at me. 

"Watch it!" 

"What the hell?" 

I barged through the door and saw Todd holding Evelyn, who had a knife jammed into her chest. So many emotions flooded me at the same time, and no matter what I did, I couldn't hold back my rage. 

"What the bloody hell did you do to my girlfriend!?" I growled, clenching my fist. 

"Oh look, it's curly." He teased. 

I growled and took a step foward when he wrapped his hand around the knife in her chest. 

"If you hurt me, I will pull the knife out so fast, it might be enough to end her miserable little life." 

I froze and tried to speak, but couldn't find my voice. 

"Good, now that you're both here, I guess we can get on with the show." 

A pair of arms made it's way around my waist and before I can register what happened, something sharp was placed on my stomach. 

"If you move, this will go in. So I suggest you stand here until Todd escapes. And trust me, if you get stabbed with this knife, you will not see tomorrow's sunrise." An unfamiliar voice smirked. Moments later, I heard the door slam and I was alone with the stranger who was holding me hostage. The blade was still pressed against my blazer when he dragged me to the door. While he was pointing his gun at the witnesses... I took the oppurtuinty and to kick him and managed to knock both weapons out of his hands. He growled and tackled me, throwing a few painful punches on my cheek. I angrily pushed him off and grabbed the knife before jamming it into his leg. He cried out in agony and slid down against the wall. I picked up the gun and pointed it to his head. 

"Want to live? Save my girlfriend." 


When I woke up, I felt my throat closing up, my breath shortening, and my chest painfully throbbing.

"Look who's awake." Todd smirked. 

I glared at him and tried to get up, but cried out when the knife collided with part of my chest. That's when I realized how risky my life is due to the knife that is still jammed into my body. I tried to speak, but all that came out was stuttering breaths. 

"Don't waste your precious breath honey, you don't have much time. You'll be dead very soon. We just want you to see Armando go down with you." 

I clenched my fist and closed my eyes, praying for a miracle. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. 

"Todd, it's Tammy, let me in." An unfamiliar female voice called. 

She entered slowly, smirking at my vulnerable sight. 

"So this is the girl you're crushing on? C'mon Todd, you can do so much better. Plus, it's not use trying to keep her alive." She crotched down and grabbed the handle of the knife, stirring it a little, causing a massive amount of pain. I squealed and tried to keep my breath steady. 

"Good bye Evelyn Clake!" She chirped before harshly pulling the knife out, knocking the life out of me. I fell backwards and felt the blood pouring out of my chest and up to my mouth. My heart pumped violently as if it was attempting to escape and suddenly, I felt it stop. My mind went empty and before I knew it, the world around me faded and I fell into darkness. 


"Where the hell is my sister?!" I roared, gripping the man's t-shirt. 

He shook his head."I- I don't know." 

Harry groaned and pushed the knife into the man's arm making him cry out in pain. 

"Dude! That's harsh." I raised my eyebrow. 

"They stabbed Evelyn's chest. We can't even be sure if she is still with us. He deserves this." 

I felt a sligh jab in my chest. "Where is my sister." I asked again, gripping onto his collar and pulling him close so he can see how angry I am.

"I'll lead you there, please just don't kill me. I have a wife and 4 kids. I only followed Todd because of the money."

"Why should we of all people believe you?" I asked. 

He took a shaky breath and pulled out his wallet, showing us a picture of his family. 

Harry suddenly dropped the knife and looked away. "Just lead us there. Now!" His voice was shaky and deep, which actually scared me a little. 


"This is their hideout." The man said, pointing to an abandoned house. Both Harry and I got out of the car and ran into the house only to find a few lifeless bodies laying around; however, we couldn't find Evelyn. 

Suddenly, the man whom Harry kidnapped limped into the room gasping rapidly. 

"Guys.. i'm sorry." He panted. 

Both of us exchanged looks before diverting our attention to him. 

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"Evelyn's dead..." 


hii guys. cx 

sorry i haven't uploaded in ages... 

been really stressed out with school 

i hope you like this! :3 


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