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The next morning Y/n could barely contain her nerves and excitement. She turned to her alarm clock and saw that it was 7:00am.

Maybe I can go to a cafe and get Aizawa and I something to eat for breakfast.

He lived in a convenient area because a lot of stores and places were nearby, walking distance at least. The young girl rushed out of bed and put on casual clothes and got ready before dashing out of the front door. She was always good with memorizing the streets she walked, so it rare for her to ever get lost.

Soon, she stumbled across the cafe that she saw on her way here yesterday. Y/n opened the door, hearing the little bell above her indicating that someone has walked in.

After ordering two lattes and breakfast sandwiches, she looked down at her wallet to put her change back in when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch it you extra!" A boy with blonde, spikey hair scolded at her. "You have eyes for a reason you know? Use them."

The loud voice caused her to look up immediately. She's always hated loud people who caused a scene for no reason. Good thing there weren't a lot of people in here. "Are you always this loud and energetic in the morning.."

"Normal people would apologize after bumping into someone," he replied, his angry expression still there.

"Normal people don't yell so loud in the morning that people down the street could hear," she snapped back. She didn't know why she was acting this way, it was her fault for bumping into him anyway.


I hope everyone here isn't like this guy. People from another country could probably hear him.

"I was going to apologize but in all honesty I don't think you deserve it anymore," she crossed her arms.

"Order for Bakugou!" The employee yelled.

"Tch. You better hope I don't run into you again. Cause the next time I see you, I'll put you 6 feet under."

"Please give it your best shot," she smiled sarcastically at him. "If you're planning on screaming at me to death it just might work."

The boy gave a low growl and walked to the counter to grab his order before heading out the door.

So his name is Bakugou.

She noticed the uniform he was wearing which probably meant he's student who attends a school nearby. Although he was irritating, she couldn't help but admit he's probably one of the most good looking guys she's ever seen in her life. But his I'll-kill-you personality really overpowered his dashing looks.


"Where were you?" Aizawa asked her as she walked into the kitchen.

"I got us breakfast from that cafe nearby." She placed the two lattes and sandwiches on the table. "I got into an argument with this other boy who was there. He kept screaming at me and saying he'll kill me cause I bumped into him."

"Did you apologize for bumping into him?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Well.. no, but I would've if he didn't keep screaming at me. He had a bad attitude— he didn't deserve an apology," she defended herself. "Anyway, what time are we leaving for school?"

"I left your uniform in your bedroom." Aizawa picked up his latte and took a sip. "Go get dressed and we'll leave right after."

"Yes sir." With that, she dashed to her room, excited to see how the uniform looked. "Eh?? This is the same one Bakugou was wearing."

Don't tell me he goes to UA too.

Well it is a pretty big school. My chances of running into him again are probably slim to nothing.


"Okay I'm ready!" Y/n waltzed back into the kitchen to show Aizawa how she looked in her uniform. "Honestly this isn't what I'd normally wear but I guess it isn't that bad."

"It's not a fashion school," he rolled his eyes. "Go wait in the car." He tossed his car keys to the girl and watched as she walked out the front door.

She's taking this "moving into a new city" thing better than I thought she would. He thought to himself. Frankly, he was a little bit worried about her. Even though it's been a month, he thought that she would mourn a little bit more or put up a bit of resistance now and then.

I hope she'll be okay.


"Y/n, stop walking so fast. We still have 10 minutes before class starts." Once they arrived to the school grounds, she was always walking 10 feet ahead of him. "You don't even know where the class is."

She thought about it. "Oh yeah." Y/n had such high expectations for this place: the students, the courses, the teachers— everything.

A couple minutes later, the pair arrived to the classroom, but her feet were frozen to the ground.

"I'm nervous," she told him. "What if they don't like me?"

"We've been over this," he reminded her, "The students here will love you."

"You never said that," she peered up at him. "You just blinked at me."

"Well now I'm saying it. Don't question me."

Y/n looked back at the door and took a deep breath.

I have nothing to worry about. These students must be well behaved and polite right? For going to such a nice school.

Aizawa took her silence as a the cue to slide the door open, exposing the view of the classroom to the girl.

As soon as that happened, a loud, familiar voice erupted. "YOU DAMN NERD! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!" So much for well-behaved.

"But Kacchan! I sit behind you!" Another voice answered.

"SIT SOMEWHERE ELSE DAMMIT!" It was the boy from the cafe, Bakugou. But why did the other student call him "Kacchan"?

"Bakugou! Please refrain from yelling in this class— you're disrupting your classmates!" A boy with glasses butt in.


"YOU CRETIN," he gasped.

"Quiet," Aizawa raised his voice. Immediately, every head in the room turned their attention to them. "This class never fails to give me a headache." He rubbed this temples. "By the way, we have a new student. This is Y/n L/n, she'll be apart of our class from this day forward. Be nice."

The students looked at her with curiosity in their eyes. And all of a sudden she was nervous again.

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