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"This smoke is bugging me." Bakugou's voice was muffled into the palm of his hand to prevent himself from breathing it in.

"A villain's quirk probably," Shoto guessed. Someone had fainted due to the smoke and Todoroki took it upon himself to carry him... since Bakugou would never do it.

The two boys came to a halt when they saw someone in front of them, staring down at the bloody hand near their feet. "I need... more."

"Hey... who was in front of us again?" Bakugou asked, his eyes shaking a little at the sight in front of him.

"Shoji and Tokoyami I'm pretty sure," Todoroki answered.

The blonde smirked as the villain turned around. "No fighting? Was that the rule? SCREW THE RULES!"

"Bakugou! Do not rush into this fight carelessly!" Todoroki advised.

"Everyone!" Mandalay's voice suddenly appeared in their heads. "In the name of the pro hero Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. Use your training!"

Mandalay was currently staring at Midoriya's beaten body. He could barely keep himself standing. "One more thing!" He panted. "Mr. Aizawa has reason to believe they're after Y/n and the villain I just fought said they're after Kacchan too. You need to warn them."

The Pussycat nodded. "Listen we've discovered that their targets are Y/n and... Kacchan?" She announced. "Both of you, avoid combat and stick with a group!"

Bakugou stopped in his tracks. "Y/n? The hell they want with her?"

"If Mandalay couldn't just tell her that, that means Y/n isn't with her anymore," Todoroki gasped. "She should be with Midoriya right?"

"You and I both know that girl is stubborn as fuck." Bakugou gritted his teeth together. "Forget this stupid villain, I'm going after her!"

"That isn't wise! You don't even know where she is!" Todoroki shouted.

"You guys aren't going anywhere," the villain spoke as blades came out of his teeth.

The two boys dodged the attacks and Todoroki created a barricade with his ice for some protection. "I know you're worried, I am too. But we need to stick together," said Todoroki.

"As if!" The blonde yelled. "She could be alone out there for all we know, surrounded by all these damn villains!" The thought of that was eating him up inside, he was shaking so bad that it was visible to Todoroki.

"What do I do," Todoroki whispered to himself. Without having time to think, the blades cut through his ice and nearly hit him and Bakugou. "We need to take him down before going after Y/n."

"I'll end him," Bakugou grumbled. "I'll end all of them!"

The villain aimed straight at Bakugou but Todoroki formed another ice wall to protect him. "He's good at moving through his terrain with his quirk."

"This freak just seems like a scrawny sidekick to me," said Bakugou. "Come on you bastard!

Taking a good look around, Todoroki saw the poison gas everywhere. "Even if we were to retreat right now, we have nowhere to go."

Impatience was starting to get the best of Bakugou. He can't focus on what's happening in front of him when his thoughts keep going back to you. "It's time to blast this freak with everything I've got!"

"You're going to set everything on fire," Todoroki warned him.

"So? Cover them with ice stupid."

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