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"Was it painful?" Bakugou asked, giving you his full attention.

You shifted your body on the bed— or... tried to. He had a firm grip on you in which you had to glare at him a little bit so he could loosen his hold on you.

"It stung," you answered his question. "It wasn't the needle of the syringe that was painful, more like the liquid traveling into my body."

Bakugou frowned at the thought of you struggling as you tried your hardest to break free. "What was it like?"

"The hardest part was just to watch everything play out. My own body has never felt so... unfamiliar to me. It was scary and knowing there's nothing I could've done about it was frightening," you sigh.

He could tell how upset you were about his. As much as you've smiled at him ever since you came back, that miserable look on your face was quick to replace it after.

It was starting to get on his nerves. "Can you wipe that look off your face," he begged. "It's bugging me."

"Katsuki, it's my face!" You yell.

"Well change it!"

"Why?" You sit up slightly to look directly at him.

"Cause I reminds me that you're sad and that I can't do anything about so it pisses me off okay?" He yells back. Again, he felt helpless. How much longer was he going to be helpless?

"You should know by now that just by existing, you're helping me," you spoke softly.

"Tch, whatever," he muttered and turned away. "Where'd they inject it?"

You lift up you arm and rotated it to show him the inner side. "Right here." There was still a little dot that scarred up from the syringe. And it will be a constant reminder of what happened that night.

Bakugou leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on top of it. Then started peppering his lips up your arm and eventually reached your collarbones, then your neck.

You giggle at the ticklish feeling and push him back to kiss him on the lips. Bakugou smiled mentally, knowing how you always liked neck kisses so he was glad it cheered you up.

"You don't have to worry about it anymore," he says. "I'll make sure it never happens to you ever again. I'd die before I'd let some fucker take you away."

"Don't say that," you place your palm on his cheek. "You're not dying for something like that. You can die doing something brave when you become the number 1 hero."

"I mean it," the boy argues.

"I know you do," you tell him.

He sits up a little bit and leans against the bed frame. "I wanna ask you something."

"What is it?" You sit up with him.

"Dabi," he stated. "Did... anything ever happen... between you two?"

You furrowed your brows together. "You mean like... romantically?" He stayed silent for a bit, then slowly nodded his head in confirmation. "What! No— of course not! He's a criminal! I would never—"

"Okay, I get it! Don't make feel me stupid for asking." Bakugou might've seemed annoyed, but deep down he was relieved. "I only asked because, the way he was talking to you sometimes just had me curious that's all."

"That's just how he is, he likes provoking people," you explained. "No matter what he says or how he says it, Dabi doesn't care about anything. You can practically see it in his eyes, he lost all feelings for everything."

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