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a/n: the song i put up there kinda reminds me of y/n and bakugou so if you want to give that a listen go ahead :)


Over the weekend, your classmates ended up going to the mall to shop for things they might need for camp. Since Bakugou didn't want to go, you didn't necessarily want to go without him either.

"Why would I wanna go to the mall with a bunch of losers," he asked you.

"They're our friends, we should cherish this time with them," you say. The both of you were currently in your room, watching whatever was on the TV.

"You do realize we see them everyday and we're about to go to camp with them too?" He peeked down at you laying on his chest.

"Fine," you rolled your eyes. "Can we at least walk around the area and get something to eat and drink?"

Bakugou sighed as he sat up straight before getting out of your bed. Luckily, he brought his wallet. "You gonna get off your ass or what?"

You reach both your arms out towards him. "Carry me."

"Go die," he responded. "You're so lazy."

You scrunch your face at him and slowly climbed out of your bed. He tossed your jacket at you and the two of you exited the house, feeling the cool breeze hit your face.

"The weather's nice today," you smile. "Perfect for a walk."

"Where do you wanna go?" He impatiently asked, tapping his foot.

"Let's go to the cafe we met at," you suggested, walking in that direction. Thinking about your first encounter made you laugh. To think the asshole you bumped into is now your boyfriend.

The boy was thinking about that as well. If someone had told him you were the girl he was going to end up dating, he'd never believe them. And now, he can't imagine not dating you.

As you both made your way to the cafe, he stole a couple glances at you. How'd he get so lucky? He'd beat himself over the times he almost messed things up with you.

Although you said there's never going to be a time where you won't forgive him, he still worried about losing you. Todoroki's words had impacted him more than he'd like to admit, but as of right now, he had nothing to worry about. Right?

"Hey, you okay?" You nudge him a little bit, wondering why he's so quiet all of a sudden.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," he answered.

"What was that look on your face for then?"

Did he have a look on his face? He wasn't aware. Sometimes his thoughts would keep traveling, causing him to space out every now and then. You've noticed it happening more and more every since the practical exam.

"I was just thinking," Bakugou says, putting his hands in his pockets.

You nod, not knowing whether you should pry or not. He was always one to speak his mind so if he wanted to say something, then he would've.

"Did you finish packing?" You changed the topic.

"For the most part. I didn't see a luggage in your room so you better start when you get home," he advises. "We're leaving tomorrow."

"Ugh. I hate packing," you complain.

"It's not fucking hard, just get what you need and put it in a bag," he tells you as you were nearing the cafe.

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