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You were currently using only one arm to attempt to give Todoroki a shoulder massage because you're other arm was injured.

"Y/n, I said you don't have to," Todoroki said sympathetically. "It doesn't hurt as bad anymore. Maybe I should give you one instead."

Your arm dropped to your side. "It's okay. My back doesn't hurt or anything."

"Maybe by the end of the week you'll need one," he shrugged. "But we should sleep early, in case we have to patrol early in the morning."

"Yeah you're right." You crawled out of the bed and looked around to see if you forgot anything. "Thanks for the soba, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Shoto."

"Goodnight. Knock on my door if you need anything," he offered.


Video calling Bakugou...

"What do you want," his raspy voice appeared on the other end.

"Well I told you I was gonna call you later," you reply. "And now it's 'later'."

"Tch. Are you back in your own room now?" Bakugou asked, trying to see the background.

"Yeah. Are you wearing a shirt this time?" You glare at him.

He pulled the collar of his black shirt up to show you. "Do you want me to take it off or something?"

"No! When did I say that," you immediately scold him, earning a small smirk. "Is that a skull on your shirt?"

"Why the hell are you asking if you can see it dumbass." He shook the camera a bit as he was talking.

"I can't see it that properly!" You defend yourself as you sat on the bed. "Did you have a little emo phase back in middle school or something?"

"It's just a fucking shirt you moron." Bakugou laid down against the pillows as he held up his phone. "I take it your first day went better than mine."

"Well Endeavor didn't try to brush my hair or make me wear jeans so yeah I guess it was better," you giggle, remembering how angry he was about it earlier.

"If you don't shut up about that then I'm not wearing a shirt for the rest of the call," he warned. "That's probably what you want though."

You look away from the camera, embarrassed. "Shut up. Your ego's too big."

"That's not ego talking, I just know it's true," he smiled cockily.

"Egoooo..." You say in a high pitched tone. "What're you doing tomorrow? Does Best Jeanist have a job for you?"

"No. He didn't say shit about anything," Bakugou complained. "If I wanted someone to criticize everything I do, I would've just stayed home with my mom."

"Your mom's cool," you compliment her, knowing it would annoy him.

"That old hag is not cool," he growled and contemplated whether he should ask this or not. "Uh, what.. what was your mom like?"

"She was very distant," you answer without hesitation. Judging by how Bakugou asked, you didn't want him to feel bad about the question so just talked normally. "We didn't talk that much to be honest, but the times we did she was really nice, nicer than my dad anyway. Oh she was a good cook too."

"We have that in common then," Bakugou says.

"You can cook??" You brought the camera closer to your face. "Wait I said good cook though. So are you good at it?"

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