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Changing to 2nd person pov

You gulped as everyone's eyes fell on you. The silence was too loud.

"Hey! Welcome to our class," a boy will yellow hair and a black streak came up to you to shake your hand. "I'm Denki Kaminari! Maybe we can go get something to eat after school."

"You've barely known the girl for 5 seconds," a girl with short, dark purple hair slapped him on the back of the head. "I apologize for him. My name's Kyoka Jiro. Nice to meet you."

You gave her a small smile. "Thanks, it's nice to meet you too."

"Hi! I'm Momo Yaoyoruzu," the black hair ponytailed girl extends her hand for a handshake. Immediately your jaw dropped a little bit. She's beautiful. "Is something wrong?"

You snapped out of your trance. "Huh? Oh no, you're just.. really.. pretty."

Yaoyoruzu had the biggest smile on her face. "You're very pretty too."

You felt your face heating up immediately— you've never received such a compliment before.

"I'm Mina Ashido!" She had pink skin and short pink hair. You could tell immediately she an enthusiastic person who was fun to be around.

"Hi Mina," you gave her a nervous smile.

"The name's Ejiro Kirishima," a boy with red hair stumbled into the crowd. "Can't wait to work with you more."

"Same here," you replied dryly. How do I make conversation again?

"You," a deep voice called from behind. But you knew exactly who it was. After all, it was really hard to forget that voice and tone. Slowly, you turned around, not wanting to face him after what had happened this morning.

"Oh you guys know each other?" A boy with green hair walked up to the crowd of people who were circling you.

"Shut up Deku," the blonde hair boy growled. "No one's talking to you, you bastard."

"Don't be a dick to him," you raised your voice at him without thinking, making everyone widen their eyes a little bit at your tone.

"Tch. You still owe me an apology for bumping into me this morning at the cafe," he glared at you.

"I don't owe you anything."

"Alright everyone settle down," Aizawa broke the tension between you and Bakugou. "Let's take a seat and start class already. We're wasting time." Obeying, everyone walked away and took a seat at their desks. "Y/n, you can sit in that empty seat over there."


"Aiza- I mean Mr. Aizawa sir, is there anywhere else I can sit?" You turned to your teacher with pleading eyes, but all you got in return was the "stop giving me more trouble" look. "Understood, sir."

Dreading it, you slowly make your way to the next to Bakugou's desk and place your backpack down on the floor before taking a seat.

To your left you heard Bakugou mutter something under his breath.

"Sorry," you turned to him, "were you saying something?" He looked up from his lap and stared back at you with cold, red eyes. You did everything you could to keep a strong face. "Jeez, you're like an angry pomeranian."

"WHAT'D YOU JUST CALL ME? YOU WANNA DIE?" The man stood up and raised his hand with his palm facing upwards.

"Kacchan?? You're scaring her??" The same boy sitting behind him whispered.

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