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a/n: thank you to those who stuck around :) i love you

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As soon as the cameras turned off at the press conference, Aizawa got up causally and signaled for the three boys to meet in the back while he changed into his hero costume.

Originally, Eraserhead wasn't suppose to go with them on this mission, but All Might knew how much of a fight he would put up. That's partially the reason why Aizawa let the three students attend with him, because he knew how they felt.

"Stay close with me okay?" Aizawa told them. "The rest of the pros should already be on their way there."

Bakugou's impatience was practically seeping out of him, he was more than ready to put an end to this nightmare.


"Welcome to the League!" Toga pranced to You and pulled You in for a hug. "She's not pushing me away! This is great! You need to tell me all about Izuku!"

You rubbed her head as a way to show affection which Toga happily accepted. "Midoriya. He really likes All Might. It's annoying and disgusting, he's the biggest fanboy I know."

Shigaraki chuckled at the insult you gave your friend. Or, old friend he should say. "This will definitely put a dent in UA's spirit. Having one of their students turn on them? I can't wait to see the look on All Might and Eraserhead's faces."

"She seems almost robotic," Dabi says. "You sure there aren't any major symptoms to this?"

"She's not robotic," Shigaraki denied. "Y/n, do you think you're robotic?" You shook your head. "See? She's so lively."

Dabi took one last good look at You. "What are we?"

"Friends?" You answer. "You're all my friends aren't you?"

Dabi tugged his upper a little bit. This is weird. It was going to take him some to get use to seeing You get along with villains.

"That's right!" Twice slugged an arm around You.

"Tell me," Shigaraki put a hand on your shoulder. "Does All Might have any weaknesses we don't know about?"

You thought about it for a bit, putting a finger on your chin. "Not that I've really noticed. But he does cough a lot sometimes, maybe something's wrong with him?"

"We should have her return back to school and act like everything's normal," Spinner suggested. "That way she can gather intel for us."

"It's too risky. Eraserhead and that boyfriend of hers won't even let out of their sight after this. They'll know something's up with her right away, even I can tell the difference," said Dabi. "Besides, we need something to knock them off their high horses."

"And what better way to do that than to introduce their student as the newest member of the group?" You added. It wasn't in a sassy tone, more like someone just trying to contribute an idea.

Dabi smirked at you, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy your devious side. He just wished You'd put more enthusiasm into it. "Maybe I can get use to this."

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