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For the rest of the day you hadn't really interact with Bakugou, mainly because after that you barely got to see him again. You were hoping to talk to him after school, which is why you didn't go home with Aizawa, but you were afraid he'd already left.

He probably already started walking home. Maybe I'll give him a call tonight.

You were proven wrong when you walked out the school doors and saw him at the bottom of the stairs. He heard the click of the shoes as you walked down and looked up at you.

"I thought you might've went ahead today," you say as you approached him.

"And why would I do that?" He asked.

"Cause I was acting like a bitch earlier today," you admit, avoiding eye contact out of guilt.

"Yeah. You were," the boy agreed.

"Well I wasn't the only one!" You raised your voice. "But I'm sorry for the things I said, I didn't mean them. Well, you do bring out the worst in me sometimes, but you also bring out the best in me."
He stayed silent and continued staring at you. "But if you don't apologize with me I'm going without you."

He rolled his eyes, expecting a snarky comment. "I'm... sorry... too. I took my anger out on you cause I was mad at Deku and when I saw you training with him I snapped."

"Were you jealous?" You smirked.

"No!" He denied and paused for a bit. "Yes... So what?"

You giggle softly and looked around to make sure no one was here before cupping his face in your hands. "There is no one on this planet you should be jealous of when it comes to me."

"Everyone finds that nerd likable for some reason," he says. "I thought maybe you would realize-"

"That's cause he doesn't tell everyone to die," you point out.


"You trust me right?" You ask sincerely.

He was a silent for a bit. "Yes."

"Good," you smile as you retreat your hands. "Butttt, we're not even dating, so why were you jealous," you tease.

He glared at you with a frown, but then leaned forward to lay his forehead on your shoulder. "Just because we don't have a label, doesn't mean I like it when you get all close with another guy." His words were quiet, but still loud enough for you to hear. "I think we both know you can be oblivious whenever someone's flirting with you."

"Midoriya wasn't flirting," you say.

"That doesn't mean other guys won't," he added. "Because... you're really likable too." Bakugou picked his head back up and made eye contact with you. "I don't hate you."

"I don't hate you either," you say back to him. His expression was more calm now and he was glad he had this conversation with you.

"By the way," the blonde said as you both started walking, "those rock bullets you did to Deku wouldn't have done shit to me. I would've blasted them to pieces."

"Always have to prove you're better than me don't you?"

"I'm just saying." He subtly bumped his hand into yours and locked both your pinkies together.


The walk home felt shorter than usual, which was only a sign that you were starting to enjoy hanging out with more and more.

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