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Later that night

"Today wasn't that bad," you say as you plop down on Todoroki's bed.

"Don't you have your own bed... in your own room," he stared at you as you took up all the space on the bed.

"Am I not allowed to hangout with my friend?" You angrily frown at him.

"Oh. I wasn't aware that was we're doing," Todoroki took off his blue jacket from his hero costume. "We can hangout then."

"Do you think the robbery we shut down today is still on the news?" You ask as you reach for the remote on the nightstand. "I probably looked so awkward."

"That was a while ago, I'm not sure if it's still there," he answered. "You can try looking for it."

You turn on the TV and surfed throughout different channels to see if you could find anything familiar. "Oh there it is! It's not live but it was saved from earlier this morning."

"I don't think we look that awkward," he commented. "It just looks like us having a normal conversation."

"You were a little bit awkward to those girls who walked up to you in the afternoon," you laughed.

"How? I was nice to them wasn't I?"

"They were flirting with you," you raise your voice, still giggling. "And you were so clueless about it."

Todoroki stared at the ceiling, trying to remember how it went down. "I don't recall such events."

"One of them kept touching you," you point out.

"I thought she wanted to feel the material of my hero costume," he tilt his head in confusion. "She kept rubbing it."

"Yeah, rubbing your biceps," you correct him. "And the other girl complimented your eyes." Right when you said that the events of the salesman complimenting your eyes back at the jewelry store reoccured in your mind. Bakugou was right.

"I thought she was just being nice to me since she saw me during the sports festival," he shrugged. "While we're at it I'm pretty sure I saw a lot of guys staring at you too."

You sit up straight from the bed. "Huh? I didn't notice any."

"They were kinda just looking at you from the distance," Todoroki says. "I don't really know if that means anything but I heard if someone stares at you a lot then they probably think you're attractive right?"

"There's a high chance of it yeah," you nod. "Either way they didn't actually come up and talk to me like those girls did with you. You really are a ladies man, Shoto."

He blankly stared at you. "I don't really know what you mean."

"Are you that oblivious to the affect you have on women? I bet one smile from you would kill them," you happily say. This was also an attempt to try and get him to smile more.

A terrified expression grew over his face. "I-If I smile at them, they'll die? That can happen?"

You pinch the bridge of your nose and remained silent for a good minute. "Never mind."

"It's been brought to my attention that I don't know very much about women," he rubs his chin. "You'll have to teach me more after I shower." Todoroki grabs his extra clothes and heads over to the bathroom. "Girls can die from a smile?..."

While waiting for him to finish showering, you take out your phone and decided to text Bakugou.

Hey, how was your second day?

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